gaggle of laughs

I had a very surreal dream last night. I remember bits and pieces of it, not in order. I remember being in some sort of multi-level building or boat during a storm with a lot of [either] firefighters or policemen around. I remember some sort of bar/beer garden type thing on the top level. I remember seeing, apart from my promise ring, two horrifyingly large rings on my left hand. I remember being in a very large white room with a very large white bed and looking out a window. I remember my love. I think we had gotten married in the beer garden type thing and no one really noticed and we were going on with the honeymoon. I wish I knew a dream interpreter. I really want to know if I’m dreaming things that make sense or not. It feels kind of like it would make sense if I could remember the whole of it. I thought we’d gotten the hotel back to normal yesterday, but no, tonight we’re all booked up and it seems we are through the weekend. I don’t even remember how it used to be at the hotel before all these crazy things began happening. But strange things happen at hotels. There was a lady who called and wanted someone to check the restaurant for a large earring in the likeness of a shrimp. A shrimp? What would possess someone to wear likenesses of shrimps on their ears? There was also a guy doing some massive flirting on me. He’s a porter and he’s really sweet, and it’s so funny because he has a girlfriend (or two) and I have a boyfriend (just one) and we were just making fun of each other to no end the whole afternoon. It was hilarious. I love to make fun of people, in a nice and gentle way of course, nothing scathing or mean. I don’t know if that sounds hateful, but I do love making fun of people. Aaron kicked my butt at ‘Mortal Kombat’ this afternoon. I’m not knowledgable in the video game field and he wouldn’t show me anything. I didn’t have any idea as to what was going on. I just ran my fingers around the buttons and what happened happened. Although I did some pretty awesome things that he’s never seen done before. That was a little consoling. He’s playing anyone he can to get ready for his game-crazy roommate for this coming school year. His mother, his sister and I are pretty sorry substitutes for game-crazy roommates. But I guess it’s better than nothing.
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yeah i have really strange dreams all the time also! and some occur more than once.. its very strange lol ... and dont worry, i have younger brothers who beat me up at vidio games too, its just really funny when i win on accident lol but i eventually get better and then beat on him! .. so its all good hehe ~stef
crap i spelled video wrong-- sorry bout that hehe lol
paul always kicks my ass in video games. he gave me his ps2 to use while he was overseas, but I've learned nothing.
