i'll stir-fry you in my WOK

Word of the Day: numismatic Praised be Jesus sitD's not dead. For a few days I started looking for a new site, for reals, but I never gave up hope on sitD. Any road, I'll start off with work sucks. Well, work will suck a lot a lot starting Thursday until Sunday. But no, let me start off with something else. Let's start with Mark. So last Sunday when I got to work, the phones were down. They had been down for about four or five hours, maybe longer. I walked in and Mark, who had worked the audit, told me about the phones. Terri, the newish girl, said they'd been down a few hours that they knew of, probably much longer just because they surely didn't discover this problem the second it happened. I was wondering why Mark hadn't called someone when they figured out the phones didn't work at three or four in the morning. No, instead he waited for me to come at seven and asked me to call someone. I was all like, 'You call someone, you should have called someone when you found out about this, moron.' I said moron in my head, but I had to force myself not to say it aloud. I wouldn't have been as pissed off if this same thing had not have happened at least once before, and when that happened, I told Mark to call Mr. Rolland who called someone to fix the damned phones. So it would make sense that if the same thing happened again, you'd do the same thing to fix it. Later on, after the phones were fixed, Cong called to make sure things were all right. I discovered that he had to go to Houston the night before and had been trying to call up to the hotel forever to let them know he was gone, so around seven he called one of the maintenance guys who is staying there to go down to the desk to find out what was going on. He was pretty pissed off with Mark. The next day he asked Mark what went on with the phones, and Mark flat out lied to him saying he didn't know, etc., etc. So Cong fired him and kicked him out of the hotel. I was doing a happy dance, subdued as it might have been, the rest of the day. Yay! Not as many stupid people in the accounting department! But this is [obviously] not the reason work sucks. No, indeed, work sucks because of this: The 43rd Model A Texas Tour. We've been oversold since abour January for this weekend. Oversold. This weekend is going to be hell. It's going to be worse than anything I've ever been through at the hotel. I think I'm going to die of nervousness before then. I'm not going to be able to sleep Wednesday night. Ugh, I've been dreading this weekend since they told me about it at this time last year. The only good thing is that people are cancelling left and right, so hopefully enough people will cancel so that we'll be not so oversold. But, you know, we probably wouldn't be as bad off if they would stop putting rooms in to renovate. They know it's going to be busy this weekend, but they're still trying to start on rooms. Wouldn't it make sense to have every single room you can have open, be it renovated or not, so that we lose the least amount of revenue possible? Does that make sense to just me? I don't know, the people I work for are dumb. The renovations are going as slowly as possible. So it would seem. It's disgusting how things are going. There's no communication, people don't know what's ready and what's not ready, what's going on. Cong says we'll get the flag back, and I trust him, so I'm sure we'll either pass the inspection or a miracle will happen. JD decided to buy a second ginormous bookshelf and partly dismantle the desk, so our room's a little different now. We cleaned out the closet, took inventory of our kitchen supplies, threw [a lot of] stuff away, and sorted and put the shoebox of pictures in an album. Actually, I did that myself. I found a picture of Michelle, Kim, Kate and I at Spangles Easter our freshman year, and I was so freakin skinny. I just kept looking at it thinking how tiny I was. Three years later I'm proabaly twice what I was then. Sigh. I've been reading about the South Beach Diet, how good it is for your heart, and I want to start on that eventually [when I finish drinking the wine I just bought]. With all this stuff going on with JD's mom and with my family's past heart problems, I think I should treat my heart a little better [and, hey, if I lose fifty or so pounds in the process, all the better]. Patrick has finally learned to say 'no'. I'll say, 'Patrick, are you ready for dinner?' and he'll shake his head and say 'No.' 'Patrick, do you want to take a bath?' 'No' [as he's trying to get in the bathtub]. Pretty much any question you ask him, he'll say no. It was cute the first few times he did it, but now it's just annoying. I tell him, 'You need to learn yes so you can mix it up a bit.' He said no to that, too. JD said the other day that he likes his job now. I guess it just took him a little bit to get used to working again; either that or the weekly paychecks with massive overtime are giving him a big head. I don't care so long as he's enjoying it. He's actually coming home from Laredo as I type. Him and some other dude had to deliver a truckload of cabinets there today. He called me around eleven telling me this. At first I thought he was staying for like a week, but he explained what was going on. I bet he's having a grand time riding in a truck for four hours there, four hours back, and however long it took them to load and unload the truck. Easy day and tons of overtime to boot. I love his job. All right. All that's enough. Hopefully sitD won't break for another two weeks and my next entry won't be foreverlong.
Read 3 comments
yeah, I started thinking about going to a new site too. Which is a scary thought after three years.
hahha... foreverlong. ::feels embarrassed::
like a pinch in the neck from mister spock. haven’t been around in a while, but i hear the site’s been down. if it should it happen again, or if i should unexpectedly disappear, i just wanted you to know that i’m glad to have known you, and long before i ever left you a comment, you were always one of my favorite reads. that aside, you’re a helluva woman, ash. if i’d met one like you i might be settled down with a rugrat of my own. be well, dear.