up and crash

Word of the Day: zoomorphic I don't know why I keep getting excited about things like this. Jeff [who was auditing last night] asked me when I went in this morning if Cyndi had talked to me yet. I informed him that I hadn't been at the hotel since Tuesday, so no, no one's talked to me about anything. so he told me that they're thinking corporate is going to fire Teresa [or she'll leave before then, one of the two] and they'll have Cyndi be accounting manager. Her promotion would leave a spot open in accounting taking care of direct bills and maybe deposits, and Jeff said if it did happen Cyndi wanted me back there. Without pausing a moment, and before he even stopped speaking, I told him yes, I'd do it, I'd go back there in a heartbeat. He was all like, 'Really? I didn't think you'd want to because you told me you wanted to work four days a week and stuff.' I was all like, 'You know, if I'm going to be sitting down doing paperwork and not dealing with guests and [tons of] people, I will work the extra day.' He called me a traitor, and I called him it back since he's wanting to quit. Any road, I got really excited once he told me that, but then I thought about it and recalled a few instances when I was told I was a candidate to go back there and nothing happened. I don't know why I keep getting excited about this crap when I know things aren't going to happen. I just hope that next week I can say something different. But as of right now, I feel worse than I felt before he told me this.
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well, i will be crossing my fingers for you. It's exciting to have that possibility in the air.

I am right now waiting to go full-time at my job as well. I have an application pending. It's dumb that I have to reapply for the same position with just more hours, but I guess that's how they work.

Good Luck Ashley,
Good luck Ashley. I have worked directly with people for 10 years. A desk job with lots of paperwork and no interaction with anyone sounds pretty good to me. I hope you get it. If you do, I will send you your very own mug for your desk!

Glad to hear you like the pic. I laugh at it because I don't think it looks that much like me (which is probably a good thing).

it sucks when you get all excited about something and then it never happens.

always keep your hopes low and you can only be pleasantly surprised. i'm in sort of a pessimistic mood today :)
nah, you are not a moron! I didn't always use the term aunt flo, in fact the first time someone said it to me, I was confused and thought it was a dumb term.

People at work say they are going to see "Auntie Em" when they are going to the ATM, and for a long time that confused me as well.

So, no, you are not a moron. Unless of course we both are, in which case, *hands you a drink of your choice*

Good luck with the job. I feel some of your pain; I'm applying for a bunch of stuff in DC and all the other applicants have sick resumes. I want to
throw up all over their Harvard diplomas and their UN High Commission for Refugees experience. I go to UD, darn it! Isn't that good enough?

If I were able to go on a sightseeing trip, I'd be headed to Prague. I am 1/2 Czech, so it would be a wonderful homecoming.......In a most beautiful city.
