bye bye sebastian

Word of the Day: zaftig JD was driving down John Stockbauer on Tuesday morning going to work when a boy pulled out from a stop sign, clipped his backside, and turned him round a 180. No more Sebastian, his axel is all bent up. He went to work after all the police reports and insurance folk were done with. He thought he was fine, but when he came home he decided to go to the emergency room [and since we don't have health insurance the boy's insurance will pay for everything] because his back and neck were stiff. I didn't go with him, I stayed home with Patrick, but they didn't take x-rays or anything. They just gave him three shots and a perscription for a muscle relaxor. Today, two days later, he called me from work at eleven asking me to pick him up [since they told us it would be a week before they'll give us a rental car] because he couldn't move his neck at all. We dropped off Patrick at the babysitters and went back to the hospital, where they took x-rays, a CAT scan, and determined that nothing was broken or fractured. The nurse practitioner gave him a perscription for a different, supposedly more better, muscle relaxor and two different kinds of pain releivers, which are apparently making him feel better. We both have the day off tomorrow, so we'll be getting a snazzy rental car. I always have to remind myself how fragile JD is. I squeeze him so tightly when I hug him sometimes that he gets pains from the pressure. But why is it his back? He couldn't have switched it up one time and hurt his arm or his leg. No no, he'll stick with ruining his back. Not that it was his fault. But he'll be fine. I get to baby him, so I'm sure he's quite happy about the situation.
Read 15 comments
Poor JD [and Sebastian]. How much was Sebastian worth? I take it Sebastian was totalled. :-/
Ash he is so damn CUTE!!! poor JD!!! good thing jd realizes when he needs to go to the hospital. I'm glad he's ok.
luv, -kim
I hope your rental car is cool. But more than that I hope JD is all right.
hey ash, sorry to hear about the accident. but as for jd's neck/back, heat and ibuprofen work wonders on things like that. if you got any other q's
email me,

Yeah but there is a Nathan, Ben, Blake and Kelli between Forest and I. :) But yeah my rents are hippies and are kool like that! :)
i like to be the good girlfriend and do things for jeff. i'd do his laundry and make him dinner and clean for him if i was over there more often.

i like being domestic. while i'm in no hurry, i think i'll be a good wife someday, like you. jd is lucky. :)
Ash, praying for CUTE Patrick, JD, and you. Glad he wasn't too hurt. Hope all is well and that work does not suck too much. Love you Kate
bad cause of the lucks

hope it all work out


like how you been

baby and all
I'm glad J.D. wasn't hurt too badly. It's nice that you want to baby him, you're so sweet.
Hopr things come out good on the back injury.....I've hurt mine a couple of times, and now it sometimes hurts for no tell him to be careful, back injuries don't go away, and you only have one back, so take care of it. I'll be praying for ya'll.
hi ashley
Ohhh no, i hope he's alright. thank god that the accident wasn't worse, and that the kid's insurance is paying the bills.
Looking for icons? Check out my diary, I take requests!!! -lhm
It was so nice to meet you friday!! And Patrich was just the cutest!! Wow! You are dong so well babe! Hope JD is feeling better! And I PROMISE I have a cake for you!