the absolute best super bowl commercial ever

Word of the Day: concinnity Click to peruse the absolute best Super Bowl commercial ever made of all time. Deathly Hallows will be released on 21 July 2007. I've already preordered my copy. How nerdy is that? 'Lost' starts up again on Wednesday for sixteen straight weeks. Finally. There's been hardly anything to watch on TV since November, although I heard that they're reuniting the Police for the Grammys on Sunday. That tripped me out. Now I have to watch the freakin Grammys. Truthfully, I was probably going to watch it anyway.
Read 4 comments
nerdy? i wouldn’t say that. on the other hand, i have no idea what you’re talking about and i’m too lazy to click on the link. how sad is that. but i would never call you nerdy, amiga. and even though i don’t use them, i appreciate that you put those links in there. be well. -matt
i dont remember seeing that commercial- maybe it was local in your area because i also am not familiar with h.e.b either. also, how did you put that link in?
yeah, I was going to say the same thing as Laurel.
Not nerdy at all. I was just thinking that I should pre-order the other day when I was cruising around barnes and noble.

Hooray for Harry Potter!