
Listening to: none
Feeling: torn
what is there to say about my family? well, lots acutally. lets go through by person. and if so desired, maybe i'll give some 411 on meself. MOM- born 6/24/1958 brown hair (going grey) she smokes and i laugh at her when she gets sick because shejust wont stop mehehe. it was funny once because she keeps her cigarette butts in her car in a brisk iced tea bottle and one time she almsot drank it with all that nasty crap inside. i dont exactly see WHY it makes a difference. the same icky stuff in there only with the oh so fabulous flavor of LIPTON BRISK ICED TEA!!! TONY- 2/9/1994-little brother. further explanationneeded? i wish he would put on clothes instead of just wandering around all day in his fucking boxers and he wonders why he is cold. i hope he doesnt turn into this evil music junky piece of shit hes acting like. DAD- 11/17/1962- my daddy is gay. he is awesome though. funny. he is way cooler than he was when he and my mom were still together. technically they still are married, but my dad has a life partner and hes been separated from my mom since 1999. ERIC- 3/17/1972- dad's life partner.. my OD... my big brother... my best friend. musical genius. he plays cello mainly. he gives me violin lessons on saturday. he thinks i am really good and i AM NOT. everyone in my family loves him. even gram did. :( LIZ-5/1/1990- my cousin who is three months and sixteen days older than i am. we are close. she is like my other best friend. she has a boyfriend named ashton so it is fun to find all that cheesy crap w/ I < 3 Ashton on it. she is blond. it is fun to test intelliects. TIM-8/31/1994- 6 months apart from tony. blond w/ big glasses plays further explanation needed? MARIA-second coolest cousin. i dont know her year but... 7/21. yeah. she is cool. on easter we went to her house and she took me and liz to the community college parking lot and let us drive. she took the young cousins to seattle this week for sb. ::jealous:: JOAN(6/24) JULIAN(9/25/1999)- they lived in frisco for a while, then they moved back to utah. they lived w/ me and mom and tony for nearly two years at our old house. i hated them. now they are ok because we dont ahve to deal w/ them and they took icky for us. AHMA-12/31/1950-short round lumpy < 3's turtles. mamma ahma ohma coma. i called her ahma bcause i couldnt say aunt mary. we found out when juju was born that in some eastern dialect that ahma means aunt. she has a turtle named tomoa (turtle of mary's old age) and she collects lanterns. very strange litte catholic woman.
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