Listening to: nothing...
Feeling: abused
abused as in... in some respects mentally.
preppysux (3:53:49 PM): omg
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:53:51 PM): what
preppysux (3:54:17 PM): this guy who i kno and sorta had a crush on for awhile (terry) is all depressed bcoz his x is and his new gf too
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:54:45 PM): they are depressed
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:54:46 PM): ?
preppysux (3:54:55 PM): and i told him that he shouldnt feel like its his fault and stuff and told him to talk to his gf and tell her he cares but cant help unless she lets him. and then he had to sign off...
preppysux (3:55:04 PM): all 3 of them
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:55:09 PM): oh.
preppysux (3:55:13 PM): him, ms. X, gf
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:55:25 PM): yeah. just making sure i understood correctly
preppysux (3:56:01 PM): he says he feels his X's fault was bcoz she said he "shattered her heart" and i told him she needed to find other things to like besides him.
preppysux (3:56:10 PM): then he said he dont kno y he feels like his gf's depression was his fault
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:56:29 PM): oh
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:56:37 PM): ok. j/w why did you go omg to it?
preppysux (3:56:49 PM): bcoz he signed out
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:56:51 PM): oh
preppysux (3:57:09 PM): o well. hopefully he isnt stupid
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:57:20 PM): yeah
preppysux (3:57:50 PM): sigh
preppysux (3:58:08 PM): do you think paul will say "ok" if i ask? or should i just not mention it and see what happens, and if anything happens, tell him that it happened
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:58:25 PM): i dont know... i think the latter would be a better idea
preppysux (3:58:28 PM): i think he would be sad and depressed in cali
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:58:36 PM): because if you ask then he will MORE likely obsess about it while he's gone
preppysux (3:58:41 PM): if i asked
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:58:44 PM): yeah
preppysux (3:58:46 PM): yea
preppysux (3:58:55 PM): thats sorta wat i thought
preppysux (3:59:07 PM): or he'd be all pist and b like "lets just forget the whole thing"
preppysux (3:59:13 PM): or something....
preppysux (3:59:17 PM): and then "break up" with me
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:59:21 PM): oh but i was in the middle of texting you this and tony yelled at me to coem get on the computer at least its been more recent that youve had anyTHING to do with a guy
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:59:22 PM): yeah
preppysux (3:59:23 PM): break up*
preppysux (3:59:40 PM): yea
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:00:19 PM): me, i have been... well... i dunno... since nov. i dunno. i am not hte best person to really ask for relationship advice... but i tryto help
preppysux (4:00:31 PM): eh
preppysux (4:00:46 PM): jackies never been in a relationship and sortof gets how it works, but you have been in relationships
preppysux (4:00:58 PM): and kno how it is to get bad advice so you dont just throw out advice
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:01:05 PM): well yeah.. but they have not been the most successful ones.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:01:24 PM): but i think i learned from my misatkes too
preppysux (4:01:32 PM): its not like you just say the first thing that comes to mind without thinking things through tho. coz some of jackies plans have really went scrwey
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:02:21 PM): oh. yeah. i dont want to do anything to purposely fuck things up. its better to think and give something that might not sound good than just throw out something that's going to seriously mess w/ stuff
preppysux (4:02:42 PM): i just remembered ANOTHER thing that really irked me yesterday. i was talking about getting my lip pierced and how i wanted it and paul says "what else should i get pierced"
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:03:04 PM): oh. hm. why did it irk YOU?
preppysux (4:03:12 PM): as if we would do it together
preppysux (4:03:26 PM): as if we would do it together
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:03:35 PM): oh
preppysux (4:03:43 PM): i was just like ...
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:03:48 PM): yeahhh
preppysux (4:03:55 PM): and then i said "you just got your ears pierced and youre scared of pain"
preppysux (4:04:29 PM): and then after another pause i said "what do you want pierced" and he said "i dono thats why i asked oyu"
preppysux (4:04:42 PM): nOW DO YOU SEE?
preppysux (4:04:45 PM): he is trying to impress me
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:04:46 PM): oh. yeah. that is weird
preppysux (4:04:52 PM): i hate it
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:04:54 PM): that would bug me.
preppysux (4:04:57 PM): hes trying a little too hard
preppysux (4:05:10 PM): and yet he cannot remember to put socks on
preppysux (4:05:13 PM): sry
preppysux (4:05:16 PM): im bitchy
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:05:22 PM): lol. its okay. he forgot socks???
preppysux (4:05:23 PM): and sick which makes me MORE irritable
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:05:30 PM): yeah. it does do that.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:05:40 PM): hm... whats a strange object
preppysux (4:05:42 PM): when he saw me hes like "i forgot to wear socks o well" and he forgets thigns
preppysux (4:05:48 PM): and the solid black clothing
preppysux (4:05:51 PM): bugged me
preppysux (4:05:58 PM): hes just not getting it
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:05:59 PM): yeah.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:06:14 PM): but like i said, maybe jordan told hima bout the "guys in black are sexxxy" thing
preppysux (4:06:28 PM): he a. does not pull it off right (as in matching the blackness to be all h.core) and b. does not realize he dont have to chanmge for me
preppysux (4:06:32 PM): oh
preppysux (4:06:34 PM): yea
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:06:52 PM): just me. mymind wanders to odd places as we know
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:06:54 PM): but.. yeah
preppysux (4:06:57 PM): oh
preppysux (4:07:00 PM): brb
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:07:12 PM): k
preppysux (4:07:15 PM): back
preppysux (4:07:23 PM): i thought it was an important phone call
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:07:25 PM): oh
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:07:28 PM): k
preppysux (4:07:40 PM): do u see y im getting so annoyed at him tho
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:07:50 PM): yeah. i do
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:08:18 PM): the only things jordan ever did that bugged me... looking back on it was being so repetitive and singing to me.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:08:23 PM): im sorry
preppysux (4:09:14 PM): oh
preppysux (4:09:17 PM): lmao
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:09:22 PM): lmao what
preppysux (4:09:24 PM): he SANG to you???
preppysux (4:09:27 PM): you never told me that
preppysux (4:09:34 PM): omfg
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:09:40 PM): i didnt??? thats where the whole "my boo" thing generated
preppysux (4:09:41 PM): lmfao
preppysux (4:09:49 PM): you just said he played it at you
preppysux (4:10:13 PM): hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaahaha
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:10:13 PM): hum... i dont think he played it at me. i know he sang/squeaked it at me
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:10:21 PM): you really think its that funny?
preppysux (4:10:23 PM): he SQUEAKED it?
preppysux (4:10:34 PM): im literally laughing
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:10:38 PM): sort of. my booooooooooooo
preppysux (4:10:39 PM): like for reals
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:10:44 PM): youve heard the song havent you
preppysux (4:10:45 PM): omfg
preppysux (4:10:50 PM): a part
preppysux (4:10:54 PM): ow
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:10:57 PM): what
preppysux (4:10:58 PM): my ribs
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:11:12 PM): lol. i could have sworn i told you.
preppysux (4:11:25 PM): i dont remember you saying he sung or squeaked it
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:11:42 PM): we were in his room and i was humming something and he goes "i heard a song today buy usher... my boo" then he sang
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:11:57 PM): ok
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:12:04 PM): but he did....
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:12:15 PM): i sang to him once because he couldnt figure out what a song was
preppysux (4:12:35 PM): o
preppysux (4:12:36 PM): brb
preppysux (4:12:37 PM): dinner
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:12:47 PM): ok
preppysux (4:14:07 PM): gfd
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:14:12 PM): what
preppysux (4:14:44 PM): the meat wasnt in the fridge. it was in the freezer
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:14:56 PM): oh
preppysux (4:14:58 PM): i will eat something else. god why cant ppl LISTEN
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:15:09 PM): i dont know
preppysux (4:15:31 PM): gr
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:15:38 PM): sorry
preppysux (4:17:20 PM): o well
preppysux (4:17:22 PM): im bored
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:17:27 PM): im sorry
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:17:35 PM): ahh no must change song
preppysux (4:17:39 PM): do u think it is mean i wont tell paul he annoys me
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:17:42 PM): not really
preppysux (4:17:56 PM): i just puto n fuse
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:18:16 PM): ok
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:18:30 PM): i dont think its mean. itsweird to tell someone they annoy you
preppysux (4:18:35 PM): yea
preppysux (4:18:46 PM): especially someone who is supposed to be "significant"
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:18:53 PM): ya
preppysux (4:20:09 PM): haha
preppysux (4:20:13 PM): white stripes
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:20:30 PM): huh?
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:20:39 PM): which one
preppysux (4:21:23 PM): commerxcial
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:21:42 PM): oh
preppysux (4:22:13 PM): la
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:22:31 PM): sorry
preppysux (4:22:39 PM): MCR
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:22:45 PM): is on now?
preppysux (4:22:48 PM): his voice is so sexxxy
preppysux (4:22:51 PM): yes
preppysux (4:22:54 PM): hes talking
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:22:55 PM): cool
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:22:59 PM): on fuse?
preppysux (4:23:03 PM): mikey and frank are on too
preppysux (4:23:04 PM): yea
preppysux (4:23:13 PM): his hair cut is sexxxy
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:23:13 PM): oh is it a warped wednesday rerun?
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:23:17 PM): yes i know
preppysux (4:23:19 PM): dont kno
preppysux (4:23:25 PM): they're talking about clothes they wear
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:23:30 PM): hm
preppysux (4:23:35 PM): mmmm
preppysux (4:23:37 PM): sexxxy
preppysux (4:23:41 PM): all black
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:23:43 PM): lol
preppysux (4:23:50 PM): long sleeves black hair black sunglasses.
preppysux (4:24:01 PM): deep manly voice...somwhwat
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:24:14 PM): lol
preppysux (4:24:16 PM): to die for
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:24:20 PM): stop it...
preppysux (4:24:24 PM): MXPX is on
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:24:35 PM): cool
preppysux (4:25:05 PM): a thought just came into my mind... do yout hink i would sell my soul to the devil for a lifetime with gerard?
preppysux (4:25:08 PM): in your opinion
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:25:38 PM): for guaranteed passion and never tiring of eachother... possibly
preppysux (4:25:47 PM): yes
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:25:56 PM): you would
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:26:01 PM): ?
preppysux (4:26:03 PM): i dont think i would tire of gerard
preppysux (4:26:07 PM): i dont kno
preppysux (4:26:15 PM): i dont really believe the devil is bad
preppysux (4:26:21 PM): and i dont kno if hes real
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:26:31 PM): yeah
preppysux (4:26:42 PM): but if those were the conditions...and real tru emo love, passion, and never annoying. yes
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:26:55 PM): cool
preppysux (4:27:00 PM): i would
preppysux (4:27:14 PM): how about oyu? who would you sell your sould for under what conditions
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:27:32 PM): i dont think there's anyone i'd sell my soul to the "devil" for.... hmm
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:27:39 PM): i dont think...
preppysux (4:27:57 PM): ok
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:28:24 PM): who do youthink i would
preppysux (4:28:27 PM): do u still have the urge for jordan-kissing
preppysux (4:28:31 PM): i dont kno
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:28:44 PM): yes
preppysux (4:28:49 PM): lmao
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:28:55 PM): what???
preppysux (4:29:07 PM): would u for him
preppysux (4:30:00 PM): typety type
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:30:09 PM): sell my soul to the devil for jordan? i dunno. i'd have to SERIOUSLY think over the conditions of the trade
preppysux (4:30:22 PM): lol
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:30:22 PM): Your Kissing Purity Score: 51% Pure For you, kissing isn't a casual thing Lip to lip action makes your heart sing
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:30:29 PM): haha
preppysux (4:30:38 PM): whats that?i want to take it
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:31:02 PM): go to its the 6th one down the left side
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:32:07 PM): but when you think about it in all seriousness, alot of people would sell their soul to have ONE person to themselves for all their life and never get tired of them or annoyed and always love them and have thigns to talk about. and someone that appeals to them
preppysux (4:32:56 PM): Your Kissing Purity Score: 29% Pure You're not one to kiss and tell... But word is, you kiss pretty well.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:33:13 PM): lol
preppysux (4:33:26 PM): yep
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:33:30 PM): blogthings are fun. there are "dirty" quizzes too
preppysux (4:33:41 PM): lol
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:33:59 PM): its fun.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:34:11 PM): did you read my long thing?
preppysux (4:35:01 PM): your long thing?
preppysux (4:35:04 PM): about ppl seling their souls for a perosn
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:35:07 PM): yeah
preppysux (4:35:10 PM): yes
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:35:15 PM): dont you think thoguh
preppysux (4:35:43 PM): You Are a Punk Rocker! When it comes to rock, you don't follow any rules You know that rocking out is all about taking down the man You've got an incredible stage presence and rock persona You scare moms, make bad girls (or boys) swoon, and live life on the edge!
preppysux (4:35:51 PM): yes
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:35:57 PM): phone
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:38:34 PM): sorry. dad called
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:38:40 PM): i didnt take that one..
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:39:20 PM): you there?
preppysux (4:40:02 PM): yea
preppysux (4:40:02 PM): sry
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:40:05 PM): htas ok
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:40:10 PM): i'm an indier ocker
preppysux (4:40:17 PM): i was looking for a drink
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:40:20 PM): oh thats ok
preppysux (4:40:34 PM): lol
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:41:08 PM): we have quite interesting conversations....
preppysux (4:41:16 PM): lol
preppysux (4:41:31 PM): i dont think i love paul
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:41:57 PM): oh. im sry
preppysux (4:42:18 PM): its just that its not like other things
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:42:44 PM): ok...? what other things??? to clear my confusion..
preppysux (4:43:00 PM): like i dont feel for him how i have for other people
preppysux (4:43:08 PM): like hes my friend and all
preppysux (4:43:12 PM): and i care about him
preppysux (4:43:19 PM): but not like otehr people
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:43:20 PM): oh
preppysux (4:43:35 PM): not like when matth and me were all "hoorah" in october
preppysux (4:43:46 PM): not like with storm
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:43:48 PM): oh
preppysux (4:43:54 PM): i dono if i LOVED those two
preppysux (4:44:00 PM): but i felt more
preppysux (4:44:06 PM): more intimate or emotionally close or whatever
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:44:13 PM): oh. im sorry
preppysux (4:44:40 PM): eh
preppysux (4:44:54 PM): lmao
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:44:54 PM): lmao
preppysux (4:44:59 PM): these are my results
preppysux (4:45:00 PM): Slow and Steady Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy. They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder. It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment. They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it.
preppysux (4:45:13 PM): y r u "lmao"ing
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:45:21 PM): im going down the list....
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:45:22 PM): What Kind of Kisser Are You? Part Passionate Kisser For you, kissing is about all about following your urges If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble Part Expert Kisser You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable
preppysux (4:45:47 PM): lol
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:46:00 PM): oi
preppysux (4:46:25 PM): ?
preppysux (4:46:39 PM): did u read the slow and steady thing
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:46:41 PM): yeah
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:47:11 PM): its not at all how you are though alot
preppysux (4:47:25 PM): io kno
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:47:43 PM): i love quizzes
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:48:04 PM): i got the same
preppysux (4:48:05 PM): The Keys to Your Heart You are attracted to good manners and elegance. In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change. You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic. Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:48:43 PM): mmhm
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:48:48 PM): you're going down the list too...
preppysux (4:48:55 PM): yea
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:49:11 PM): hmm lets see what my keys are
preppysux (4:49:21 PM): Your Birthdate: November 21 Being born on the 21st day of the month (3 energy) is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life. The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental. There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, "couldn't care less" attitude. You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression. Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing. You are energetic and always a good conversationalist. You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters. Your mind is practical and rational despite this tendency to jump about. You are affectionate a
preppysux (4:49:50 PM): and loving, but very sensitive. You are subject to rapid ups and downs.
preppysux (4:49:53 PM): thats tru
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:49:56 PM): it is
preppysux (4:51:06 PM): im tired
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:51:15 PM): im sry
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:52:07 PM): LMFAO
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:52:08 PM): What You Really Think Of Your Friends Jordan is your soulmate. You truly love Jordan. You consider Tasha your true friend. You know that Arjay is always thinking of you. You'll remember Sara for the rest of your life. You secretly think Brianne is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times. You secretly think that Arjay is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker. You secretly think that Jordan is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Jordan changes lovers faster than underwear. You secretly think Sara is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Sara has a hidden internet romance.
preppysux (4:52:53 PM): lol
preppysux (4:52:56 PM): the last part6
preppysux (4:52:58 PM): omfg lmao
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:53:06 PM): about sara?
preppysux (4:53:44 PM): yes
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:53:56 PM): i know
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:54:10 PM): that one... i asked her once and she gave me the wierdest look
preppysux (4:54:16 PM): You Are 23 Years Old 23 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:54:39 PM): What Your Dreams Mean... Your dreams seem to show that you're very preoccupied with your fears and problems. These bad dreams indicate that you need to spend more time on your issues during the day. Overall, you are very content in your life. Your dreams tend to reflect your insecurities. Your dreams indicate that you have very conflicted feelings. You have a very vivid imagination and a rich creative mind. You secretly want to hide your dreams from your waking mind.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:54:42 PM): ooh this is sooo fun
preppysux (4:55:09 PM): A is for Articulate R is for Rich J is for Juicy A is for Animated Y is for Yummy M is for Marvelous I is for Inspirational C is for Clever H is for Humorous E is for Enthusiastic A is for Artistic L is for Loud L is for Likeable E is for Emotional S is for Sweet M is for Musical I is for Intelligent T is for Twisted H is for Healthy
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:55:33 PM): hmm... ARE you juicy?
preppysux (4:55:55 PM): i dono. ask matth or bobboy or someone
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:56:09 PM): lol alright
preppysux (4:56:19 PM): or even mr. fagulous
preppysux (4:56:26 PM): he will say "omfg wtf"
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:56:36 PM): i was just about to say that... and something else.. but decided not to......
preppysux (4:56:51 PM): what was the else?
preppysux (4:56:51 PM): i dont care wat it is i am curious now
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:57:00 PM): we know he is...
preppysux (4:57:17 PM): huh?
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:57:41 PM): nvm... you complain about him being slobbery... and hgs.....
preppysux (4:58:58 PM): OH
preppysux (4:59:08 PM): i only complain coz he gets hg when he is cupchecked
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:59:08 PM): yeah. ew huh
preppysux (4:59:16 PM): and being tackled and hit
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:59:24 PM): perhaps he is turned on by pain
preppysux (4:59:30 PM): dont kno
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:00:08 PM): What Crappy Gift Are You? You Are Socks! Cozy and warm... but easily lost. You make a good puppet.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:00:18 PM): hurrah the "poppet" makes a good "puppet"
preppysux (5:00:21 PM): lol
preppysux (5:00:34 PM): lol
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:00:37 PM): hehe
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:01:44 PM): You Are the Stuffing You're complicated and complex, yet all your pieces fit together. People miss you if you're gone - but they're not sure why.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:01:49 PM): haha. why are these ones right?
preppysux (5:01:56 PM): Sarah is your soulmate. You truly love Matth. You consider Jordan your true friend. You know that Matth is always thinking of you. You'll remember Vannesa for the rest of your life. You secretly think Bobby is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times. You secretly think that Matth is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker. You secretly think that Jordan is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Jordan changes lovers faster than underwear. You secretly think Jordan is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Jordan has a hidden internet romance.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:02:15 PM): lol
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:02:35 PM): we both got the jordan as loyal/trustworthy
preppysux (5:02:37 PM): lol
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:03:06 PM): hooray matth
preppysux (5:03:24 PM): yea
preppysux (5:04:08 PM): how sad
preppysux (5:04:09 PM): You Are a Losing Lottery Ticket! Full of hope and promise. But in the end, a cheap letdown.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:04:21 PM): aww
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:04:26 PM): whichone was that
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:04:35 PM): You Are Creepy Creepy! Serial killers would run away from you in a flash.
preppysux (5:04:39 PM): oh well
preppysux (5:04:41 PM): im sure i let down lots of ppl
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:04:47 PM): im sorry
preppysux (5:04:50 PM): crappy gift
preppysux (5:04:54 PM): whats that one
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:05:03 PM): how scary are you?
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:05:45 PM): i get scarier each time i take it
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:05:58 PM): first i was a little scary, then i was scary, now i'm creepy
preppysux (5:06:27 PM): lol
preppysux (5:06:32 PM): creepy
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:06:40 PM): you're creepy?
preppysux (5:06:46 PM): yes
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:06:58 PM): cool
preppysux (5:07:37 PM): im tired
preppysux (5:07:41 PM): i want to call jordan
preppysux (5:07:50 PM): and try to get him to talk to me about paul
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:08:05 PM): then call him
preppysux (5:08:18 PM): im scared
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:08:34 PM): y
preppysux (5:08:42 PM): bcoz
preppysux (5:08:48 PM): i think he might get mad
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:08:54 PM): oh
preppysux (5:09:04 PM): or he'll tell paul
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:09:17 PM): oh
preppysux (5:09:18 PM): but he knos paul and paul prolly talks to him sometimes
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:09:29 PM): yah
preppysux (5:09:47 PM): so there are pros and cons
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:09:51 PM): yeah
preppysux (5:09:58 PM): all based on thought and theory, no facts
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:10:02 PM): mmhm
preppysux (5:10:57 PM): do YOU think he would tell paul
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:11:07 PM): i do.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:11:21 PM): because if he's pist about it he'll want to fuck it up
preppysux (5:11:35 PM): i dont know if hes pist/offended or doesnt care
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:11:44 PM): but if he's pist i think he would
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:11:52 PM): but if he really doesnt care i see no reason to worry
preppysux (5:11:56 PM): i should ask
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:12:04 PM): ask if he cares?
preppysux (5:12:14 PM): not outright
preppysux (5:12:25 PM): just ask his opnion etc. then see if he would tell
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:12:27 PM): "does it really not bother you about me n paul"
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:12:30 PM): oh
preppysux (5:12:36 PM): yea
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:12:37 PM): k
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:13:03 PM): you gonna
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:13:04 PM): ?
preppysux (5:13:11 PM): maybe
preppysux (5:13:24 PM): should i
preppysux (5:13:51 PM): ???
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:14:00 PM): if you really want i cant say SHOULD
preppysux (5:14:30 PM): do u think it would make jordan mad
preppysux (5:14:38 PM): if i tried to get him to give me manyl advice
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:14:57 PM): not surer
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:15:03 PM): i dont really know him anymore
preppysux (5:15:20 PM): same here
preppysux (5:15:29 PM): im calling
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:15:31 PM): hm well then...
preppysux (5:15:34 PM):
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:15:49 PM): why
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:15:52 PM): tell me what he says
preppysux (5:18:04 PM): hes silent
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:18:14 PM): completely???
preppysux (5:18:36 PM): not now
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:18:44 PM): tell me what he says
preppysux (5:20:54 PM): jordan says that paul says he truly loves me
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:21:07 PM): really? that is sweet
preppysux (5:21:49 PM): not to me
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:22:00 PM): oh
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:22:15 PM): is that all he said
preppysux (5:22:45 PM): we're still talking
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:22:50 PM): ohj
preppysux (5:31:21 PM): still talking
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:31:28 PM): mmhm
preppysux (5:53:34 PM): wow
preppysux (5:53:38 PM): hes being nicwe
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:53:42 PM): yip
here, i got off i was angry. she fucking ignored me for like... a half hour. then i talked to her a bit on my phone, and all she freaking talks about is how NICE jordan was. its like... do you reallythink this makes ME feel any fucking better? after that chat about htinking before you talk. oh yeah. real thoughtful arjay.
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