well i havent been on since friday night really late at arjays house... so this is waht's gone on in the last few days...
well there was the bit i wrote about before... didnt do much. watched movies with mom in the living room and sat in my room and listened to cds. around... oh i dont know 4 ish arjay and i talked and she called her mom and invited me to hang out with her. she was still having paul problems but feeling better about them. so mom wanted me to eat, so we went and picked up arjay and went to village inn to eat. she got bacon and a coke. woo. tony won a rally ugy shiny multicolored dragon from the claw machine. arjay kept laughing at tony when he got booed and made fun of by mom. then arjay wanted to go to walmart to get earring backs for her 14Gs. got home and her dad was all...nice. then arjay decided she was going to make a really ugly doll for jordan out of purple fabric. so we got on the computer and asked him a million questions about it and drove him bonkers. but the doll was so fucking ugly it was awesome. i wish i had a picture.... it was made of purple veiny fabric and was really really crooked and had bright green on its face and uneven arms/legs and a heart beed sewn on its "chest" and then it had rainbow yarn hair. jordan was determined to get a pirate doll chemosabe. he makes me laugh. went to sleep alot earlier than the last few times. her bed is so uncomfortable... and sleeping on the edge and trying to take up as little space as possible doesnt particularly help...
woke up when the sun started to shine thru the blinds on me. probably laid there waiting for arjay to wake up for like 2 hours. turned my phone on and texted mom telling her to come get me a bit after 11. arjays mom was sad that i called mom to get a ride. but tehn she talked to my mom for like 10 minutes while we were leving and arjay sat on their porch embarrassed out of her fucking mind. came home and ate, and took a shower to get the disgusting feeling out of my hair, then we all went to get haircuts. they got their standard... i cut mine to just below my ears wtih a sort of violent A-line and short in the back to spike. i like it but it doesnt really feel like me. it is sort of glam/punk rock/butch thing. but everyone so far loves it. then we went to Kmart to get underwear for mom. i found sexy underwear but they didnt have any big enough for my fat ass. then we went to dairy queen for lunch and annoyed the lady and scared the senior citizen. adn then as we left we serenaded ourselves out. then as we went home we found a mexican wedding lot and checked out the pimped up cars. then i made mom take me to best buy. i got marilyn manson

, my chemical romance

and all american rejects

. also got some movies. came home and tried to listen to my cds then mom told me we were going to go to the drive in and see charlie and the chocolate factory. which is cool because i've only been to the drive in once and it is the only one left around here. got snackies and things and WONKA candy to eat. went and parked there then tony and i wandered to the little shop place because i was really really bored and wanted playing cards while we waited. well i found playing cards... and cool worthless chinese fans and economy size packages of TROJAN condoms for like 3.00. if you ever need condoms go to the redwood drive in. well i got cards and went back. tony found cool little balancy things and we played bullshit until the movie started. it was really good. except that johnny depp sounds like michael jackson... funny. i want a squirrell. deperessed the hell out of myself with thoughts of wonderful things to be done in the drive in. but then when it was over (at 11) and we tried to leave, the fucking battery was dead. so tehy wandered to the concession stand and brought back a man to charge our battery but they couldnt do it. so i sat there bored out of my fucking mind listening to teh audio for batman begins and watching parts of mr and mrs. smith and bewitched. then the little men left and mom called dad and went to the front to wait for him. he came back, and it took him another 1/2 hour to get it but he finally did and so at 1:30 in the morning we finally got to go home. i slept with all the gel and shit in my hair. my little voodoo doll is all dried up and small now. and the cat tried to jump out the window.
woke up and took myself a shower... realized that dad and eric were here and went to talk to them and say hello and show my hair. (they adore it) mom decided to kick the kittens out of the house for the day, and eric downloaded a cool fish game for us. then we played on our violins a bit and mom keeps telling me i have natural talent. i laugh at her and spit ont eh violin. then dad and tony went outside and worked with the van and eric and mom and i watched monty python's the meaning of life. mom thinks i am insane for not leaving during the sex ed part. oh well. i like it. muhahahhahaha. then i went in my room and listened ot more music and mom called me out to play monopoly wiht her and eric. she kicked our asses. boo hoo. my finger hurts. and today is supposedly a state holiday, but since it is a fucking sunday, god forbid us doing ANYTHING today. tony is a fucking evil fucker that wants to kill my cat. eric and i played the lovely fish game. i went into my room and finally finished listening to all of "i brought you my bullets you brought me your love" then mom made me go to KFC in the taurus with her. havent seen the little ones all day and it is nice. also sort of nice having family here.
but what i really awnt to do is put all my makeup on and streak and dye my hair and spike it really violently and see how it looks. maybe i'll do that tomorrow when i have all things at my disposal.
stand up fucking tall.
i'm surprised that mcr doesnt have a PA on it. oh well.
love always,