preppysux (3:17:19 PM): hi
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:17:21 PM): hey
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:17:29 PM): what was with the my bf smells message yesterday...?
preppysux (3:17:38 PM): he smelled bad
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:17:42 PM): oh. ok
preppysux (3:17:48 PM): yea.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:17:57 PM): so. whats up/how r you
preppysux (3:18:03 PM): eh. brb
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:18:13 PM): oh
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:18:16 PM): k*
preppysux (3:18:35 PM): how about u
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:18:52 PM): same. my mom keeps wanting me to tell her what happens in the book
preppysux (3:19:00 PM): oh
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:19:07 PM): she can read.
preppysux (3:19:17 PM): i havent finished it. havent had time and i decided that i wanted to try to be social
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:19:26 PM): ah ok
preppysux (3:19:34 PM): jackie wanted to tell me about it yesterday
preppysux (3:19:37 PM): she lied to me
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:19:46 PM): about what?
preppysux (3:19:46 PM): she said she was waiting until she went to cobston
preppysux (3:19:49 PM): boston*
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:19:50 PM): oh
preppysux (3:19:53 PM): to read
preppysux (3:20:15 PM): and she says things in front of paul about me having liked other guys and stuff
preppysux (3:20:29 PM): and she asked "so did you see the hot guy today or is that wednesday?"
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:20:51 PM): that is mean
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:20:58 PM): i mean you ASKED me to say it
preppysux (3:21:02 PM): i know wit YOu
preppysux (3:21:10 PM): but yesterday was uncalled ofr
preppysux (3:21:11 PM): for
preppysux (3:21:18 PM): and then she flirts on him, noticeably
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:21:18 PM): im sorry
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:21:31 PM): oy
preppysux (3:22:00 PM): its not that she does it with pault hat bugs me, its that she does it in general when hes my bf and she claims im her best
preppysux (3:22:15 PM): im not protective of paul
preppysux (3:22:18 PM): or attatched
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:22:26 PM): yeah.
preppysux (3:22:32 PM): its just pisses me off
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:22:38 PM): i can understand.
preppysux (3:22:51 PM): yea
preppysux (3:22:57 PM): and i talked to jordan yesterday
preppysux (3:23:03 PM): he was pleasant for the most part
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:23:10 PM): ok... why sry
preppysux (3:23:25 PM): becoz i calle dhis house
preppysux (3:23:29 PM): to see if paul was there
preppysux (3:23:33 PM): and if he had left yet
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:23:38 PM): oh
preppysux (3:23:47 PM): and jordan said he had and i said "how come you didnt come too?"
preppysux (3:23:56 PM): and he said he didnt kno
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:23:58 PM): oh
preppysux (3:24:03 PM): and i asked if he enjoyed being at home alone all day
preppysux (3:24:09 PM): and then we just started talking
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:24:17 PM): ok
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:24:29 PM): it was weird this morning righ tafter i got on so did he..
preppysux (3:24:30 PM): and he said "well paul will probably be there soon and so i'm gonna go"
preppysux (3:24:37 PM): i think he feels shunned
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:24:48 PM): i wonder why
preppysux (3:24:53 PM): did u talk to him
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:24:56 PM): no
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:25:10 PM): dunno what to say really
preppysux (3:25:10 PM): i think he feels shunned bcoz he like invited me over, so has his dad.
preppysux (3:25:13 PM): and i dont go
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:25:18 PM): oh
preppysux (3:25:19 PM): i end up hanging out iwth paul
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:25:29 PM): paul is your bf..
preppysux (3:25:38 PM): but jordan was my best friend
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:25:48 PM): ok
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:25:50 PM): i know
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:25:59 PM): and more
preppysux (3:26:35 PM): and anyways... he was saying how peaceful it was when his house was quiet becoz he could think and i said "o. im prolly bugging you then and ur prolly thinking "god dammit shut up"and he said "no your fine."
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:26:52 PM): oh
preppysux (3:27:04 PM): and every time paul was brought up he seemed sadder
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:27:11 PM): oh
preppysux (3:27:22 PM): i feel bad in a way... having jordan one of the last people to find out...
preppysux (3:27:32 PM): but eh
preppysux (3:27:36 PM): i dono about paul
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:27:43 PM): dono what about paul
preppysux (3:27:52 PM): hes just being different
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:27:55 PM): oh
preppysux (3:28:02 PM): he wore all black yesterday
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:28:11 PM): hm
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:28:19 PM): maybe jordan tlaked to him
preppysux (3:29:01 PM): and then i was sitting on the other side of jackies couch with my feet on her table and slouched down so that i was pretty much laying down. and he said "gosh why are you trying to get away from me today" and i said "im just sitting here" and he said "all in the corner" and imitatated
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:29:16 PM): oh
preppysux (3:29:34 PM): i wasnt trying to get away
preppysux (3:29:42 PM): i was just sitting there in a comfortable position
preppysux (3:29:47 PM): and yea
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:29:55 PM): yeah
preppysux (3:30:01 PM): and then another time i was sitting in a chair in her bedroom
preppysux (3:30:10 PM): and he sat on the floor kind of next to me
preppysux (3:30:25 PM): and i went and sat on the floor and he moved between the bed and the wall
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:30:37 PM): oh
preppysux (3:30:46 PM): sry
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:30:57 PM): for why
preppysux (3:31:04 PM): for just spilling out
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:31:10 PM): its ok
preppysux (3:31:38 PM): its not been a happy tuesday either
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:31:47 PM): why
preppysux (3:32:00 PM): i was sick this morning and felt better around 10:00 and then was sick again on the last 3 lawns
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:32:07 PM): oh. im sorry
preppysux (3:32:29 PM): i dont know why i keep getting sick again and then feeling a bit better just to be sick AGAIN
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:32:39 PM): i dont know either
preppysux (3:33:04 PM): and i think i might be asexual
preppysux (3:33:19 PM): well not quite literally
preppysux (3:33:21 PM): but mostly
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:33:35 PM): ok.. i dont really know what it means hetero homo and bi thats what i know.
preppysux (3:33:53 PM): its where you arent attracted to any
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:33:58 PM): oh
preppysux (3:34:08 PM): i only like gerard
preppysux (3:34:20 PM): thats the only ONLY person who strikes my fancy
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:34:22 PM): of course
preppysux (3:34:33 PM): and no other dudes, no other chicks
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:34:43 PM): ok. im... sorry?
preppysux (3:34:55 PM): eh
preppysux (3:35:01 PM): waaawaaa listen to me bitch
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:35:10 PM): better than me bitching
preppysux (3:35:17 PM): why
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:35:43 PM): dunno. i tend to get mean when i bitch
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:35:47 PM): you dont seem mean
preppysux (3:35:51 PM): o
preppysux (3:36:01 PM): and paul annoys me...
preppysux (3:36:05 PM): always wanting me to call him
preppysux (3:36:11 PM): always wanting to see eachother
preppysux (3:36:18 PM): always asking when we can see eachother again
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:36:27 PM): im sorry
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:36:28 PM): brb
preppysux (3:36:30 PM): kk
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:38:35 PM): back
preppysux (3:38:41 PM): ok
preppysux (3:39:28 PM): im so depressed
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:39:52 PM): im sorry... i feel down today, too. but i dont really think i'm depressed...
preppysux (3:39:58 PM): o
preppysux (3:40:09 PM): im not Depressed just depressed
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:40:23 PM): ok
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:40:51 PM): if anyind of "depressed" it would be mixed up bored lonelly depressed. but i dunno.....
preppysux (3:40:59 PM): o
preppysux (3:41:29 PM): and yea
preppysux (3:42:04 PM): god... this is gonna sound rude and its no meant that way, but hanging with 3 people and only 3 people WHEN im not working is erally a drag
preppysux (3:42:09 PM): i got used to school
preppysux (3:42:28 PM): and matth is going out with a skanky whore
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:43:00 PM): its ok
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:43:02 PM): im sorry
preppysux (3:43:10 PM): its not ur fault lol.
preppysux (3:43:15 PM): id rather 3 people than 0
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:43:58 PM): well yeah. better than me. excluding "family" you're pretty much the only person around that i hang out with. and i mean yeah paul and jackie, but i dont really think either of them like me much
preppysux (3:44:11 PM): i dont kno
preppysux (3:44:13 PM): i dont ask
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:44:17 PM): neither do i
preppysux (3:44:24 PM): it doesnt matter to me whether they do or not
preppysux (3:44:43 PM): if they dont like you and dont wanna be around you, then i guess they wont be around me when im with you
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:45:01 PM): yeah. thanks
preppysux (3:45:03 PM): its just like an "f u too"
preppysux (3:45:06 PM): kinda thing
preppysux (3:45:09 PM): y/w
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:45:43 PM): yeah. i know what you mean though about the if they dont like you they dont have to but i do and i'm gonna hang out with you. people didnt like robyn for a long time
preppysux (3:45:46 PM): kinda like ur party thing, if i can (as in my parents let me) im going whether ur cousin is there or not.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:45:52 PM): yeah
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:45:56 PM): she broke up w/ ashton btw
preppysux (3:46:01 PM): coz i dont KNOW how she is now
preppysux (3:46:12 PM): i just dont like wat i hear
preppysux (3:46:20 PM): o well now shes gonna go with icky skater
preppysux (3:46:25 PM): skaters*
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:46:32 PM): the day before they broke up though, he asked her best friend out
preppysux (3:46:38 PM): omfg
preppysux (3:46:51 PM): haha u told her he was an ass
preppysux (3:46:55 PM): and he is
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:47:03 PM): then a SENIOR asked her out. well he'll be a senior this year. he's cool and nice..
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:47:07 PM): thats what she calls him now. ASSTON
preppysux (3:47:12 PM): lol
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:47:16 PM): and charles isnt a skater
preppysux (3:47:41 PM): o too bad for her "sk8r grrl punk" thing
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:47:47 PM): yep
preppysux (3:47:47 PM): no fashion statement friends
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:48:10 PM): i know. and maybe i exaggerate a bit on her, but shehas changed so much
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:48:27 PM): and its annoying to see her change for a group of friends she's had one year and for asston
preppysux (3:48:35 PM): its like "ur not my friends, youre my fashion accesories. goota have "goth" friends to be "goth" " as all the accessories nod in agreement, glad that they have accessories too
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:48:47 PM): yep
preppysux (3:48:57 PM): sry
preppysux (3:48:59 PM): im bored
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:49:04 PM): its ok
preppysux (3:49:07 PM): brb gotta let up the birds
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:49:09 PM): k
preppysux (3:52:31 PM): back
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:52:36 PM): k
preppysux (3:52:38 PM): makayla wont come up so i'll have to get her in a minute
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:53:05 PM): personally, i just am trying not to rant about jordan. i dont particularly want to rant about anyone... but especially him..
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:53:20 PM): thas ok
preppysux (3:54:19 PM): o
preppysux (3:54:25 PM): wat do u have on him now
preppysux (3:55:22 PM): hello/
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:55:27 PM): i dunno. its wierd. i thought of him like, hardly at all last week and then i hung ot w/ u and paul and jackie, and he invaded mythoughts again.
preppysux (3:55:35 PM): ???
preppysux (3:55:46 PM): o
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:56:24 PM): yeah. oh i did have a rather funny dream yesterday though.both paul and jordan died their hair black and spiked it and ran around singing..........
preppysux (3:56:35 PM): o
preppysux (3:56:43 PM): im gonna call jordan and tell him to get online
preppysux (3:56:45 PM): maybe he will
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:56:48 PM): hm
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:56:49 PM): ok
preppysux (3:56:49 PM): then u can talk to him
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:57:05 PM): ok..... dunno what to talk about, but ok
preppysux (3:57:20 PM): u always havesomething to say
preppysux (3:57:25 PM): its just ringning
preppysux (3:57:32 PM): hes sleeping
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:57:34 PM): i know i have things to say
preppysux (3:57:35 PM): supposedly
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:57:40 PM): oh. ohwell
preppysux (3:57:48 PM): his dad is home early
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:57:52 PM): not really
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:57:59 PM): he gets home around 4.
preppysux (3:58:11 PM): oh
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:58:32 PM): well, my clock says its 3:57, so to me it doesnt seem eraly
preppysux (3:58:43 PM): oh
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:58:52 PM): yeah
preppysux (3:58:52 PM): i duno
preppysux (3:59:14 PM): god...
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:59:16 PM): hwat
preppysux (3:59:34 PM): now im paranoid that jordan told his dad if i called to say he was sleeping
chat_bac_gurl_16 (3:59:46 PM): oh
preppysux (3:59:58 PM): coz hes like "heeeee's sleeping.." me: "ok thank you" kelly"mmhmm::click::"
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:00:15 PM): oh
preppysux (4:00:23 PM): oh well
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:00:33 PM): yeah
preppysux (4:00:34 PM): no wonder they call(ed) me skitzo grrl
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:00:39 PM): why
preppysux (4:00:50 PM): im paranoid as all hell
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:00:58 PM): so am i. i just dont call him
preppysux (4:01:05 PM): o
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:01:20 PM): its all in my head
preppysux (4:01:27 PM): yea
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:01:44 PM): im tired
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:01:59 PM): in metal edge there's a mcr poster
preppysux (4:02:08 PM): really?
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:02:10 PM): yeah
preppysux (4:02:13 PM): did u buy that mag?
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:02:22 PM): it is just a bigger version of the picture thats in the one we both have
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:02:24 PM): i did
preppysux (4:02:32 PM): can i have the poster
preppysux (4:02:44 PM): por favor
preppysux (4:02:50 PM): i will pay maybe
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:02:52 PM): ok
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:02:55 PM): i guess
preppysux (4:02:59 PM): t/y
preppysux (4:03:04 PM): how much do u want
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:03:33 PM): i dont care. if you decide you actually want it its not worth more than like a buck or something
preppysux (4:03:38 PM): ok
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:04:12 PM): it is just bigger. i felt stupid. i opened it and i'm like wait- i have this picture where did i get it?
preppysux (4:04:37 PM): oh
preppysux (4:04:50 PM): but remember i cut mine up
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:04:53 PM): oh yeah
preppysux (4:04:58 PM): O i have to give u that one too so u can have frank
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:05:07 PM): i thought you had preserved it so you could read it
preppysux (4:05:19 PM): i did read it
preppysux (4:05:23 PM): and then i cut it
preppysux (4:05:33 PM): i read them then shred them
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:05:37 PM): i killed mine already, so i think it might be pointless to give it to me
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:05:41 PM): yep.
preppysux (4:05:51 PM): o ok
preppysux (4:06:19 PM): and i hang like a star,fucking glow in the dark, for all the starving eyes to see...
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:06:35 PM): lovely conor eh?
preppysux (4:06:39 PM): yes
preppysux (4:07:11 PM): depressed music for depressed grrl
preppysux (4:07:17 PM): its not serious depression
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:07:20 PM): um i might have my mom bring me to get my cds later because eric wants my NIN and he's coming tonight i think...
preppysux (4:07:22 PM): its just like "wow this sux"
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:07:35 PM): yeah. know how you feel. too bad i dont have any zoloft. it was my friend
preppysux (4:07:36 PM): ok but i never ripped W.tour
preppysux (4:07:41 PM): i should be home...
preppysux (4:07:46 PM): before 7
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:07:49 PM): eh thats okay mabye i'll wait
preppysux (4:07:50 PM): and after 7:50
preppysux (4:08:12 PM): calling paul
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:08:17 PM): ok
preppysux (4:09:44 PM): im so sad
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:09:51 PM): why now..?
preppysux (4:10:04 PM): just am
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:10:10 PM): im sorry
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:10:37 PM): i am so bored i think i might go work through part of my algebra book....
preppysux (4:10:46 PM): huh?
preppysux (4:11:01 PM): ur in algebra
preppysux (4:11:02 PM): ?
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:11:13 PM): algebra 2.... i never gave my book back last year
preppysux (4:11:21 PM): oh
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:11:26 PM): i'm bored sorry
preppysux (4:11:37 PM): im even sadder
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:11:49 PM): why
preppysux (4:12:32 PM): paul was at jordans last night and i said "did you have fun" and he said that jordan had air conditioning...and i said "youre not really his friend are you" ::silence::
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:13:14 PM): im sorry
preppysux (4:13:39 PM): its mean
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:13:54 PM): paul to jordan or paul to you
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:14:01 PM): either way.. ywah
preppysux (4:14:05 PM): paul to jordan
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:14:32 PM): yeah
preppysux (4:14:42 PM): i blew out a vein in my arm
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:14:45 PM): what?
preppysux (4:14:57 PM): like destroyed one
preppysux (4:14:58 PM): its gone
preppysux (4:15:11 PM): all it is is a bruise of congealed blood under my skin
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:15:16 PM): lovely
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:15:31 PM): ^^that makes me feel bad for jordan. im sorry to you. does it hurt
preppysux (4:15:36 PM): yes
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:15:48 PM): im sorry that sucks
preppysux (4:18:58 PM): yea
preppysux (4:19:36 PM): god
preppysux (4:19:42 PM): how did he end up my bf
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:20:05 PM): he asked you
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:20:18 PM): then you consulted ghosts and told him yes
preppysux (4:20:22 PM): yea but we're so un alike
preppysux (4:20:25 PM): but my god
preppysux (4:20:33 PM): im so.....blah to him right now
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:20:38 PM): oh
preppysux (4:20:53 PM): he makes me sad
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:21:12 PM): im sorry.
preppysux (4:22:57 PM): eh
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:23:20 PM): sorry i cant help.
preppysux (4:25:13 PM): its ok
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:25:29 PM): i just feel bad when i can't help.
preppysux (4:25:47 PM): you dont have to help
preppysux (4:25:54 PM): need to w/e
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:26:22 PM): i dont need to... just one of those "good" things my mom taught me that drives me fucking insane. anyway
preppysux (4:26:35 PM): it makes me sad that he hangs out with jordan for soda and airconditioning
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:26:50 PM): yeah.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:27:54 PM): wonder if jordan knows it.....
preppysux (4:28:05 PM): dontkno
preppysux (4:28:14 PM): he says jordan says "we have airconditioning"
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:28:22 PM): oh
preppysux (4:31:29 PM): i feel bad for jordan
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:31:46 PM): So do I.
preppysux (4:33:09 PM): he says hes "kinda" jordans friend
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:33:44 PM): hum.
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:33:47 PM): sign
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:33:49 PM): sigh*
preppysux (4:33:59 PM): o
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:35:56 PM): well.. he's like hte only person jordan hangs out w/ too....
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:36:06 PM): which makes it sadder....
preppysux (4:36:06 PM): yea
preppysux (4:36:09 PM): yea
preppysux (4:37:04 PM): god sometimes i want to break up with him out of my own self pity
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:37:39 PM): oh
preppysux (4:37:57 PM): eh
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:38:54 PM): talk to him....?
preppysux (4:39:11 PM): yea
preppysux (4:39:15 PM): i am
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:39:24 PM): oh.ok
preppysux (4:47:08 PM): gosh
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:47:13 PM): what
preppysux (4:48:57 PM): br5b
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:49:10 PM): k
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:54:57 PM): sorry
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:55:33 PM): um... odd question... but... how high is the chance you'll do... things with jordan again............?
chat_bac_gurl_16 (4:57:05 PM): back sorry i dont know if you are or not... but the faggot computer booted me
preppysux (5:02:57 PM): r u there
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:02:59 PM): yeah
preppysux (5:03:09 PM): did u get my messgaes
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:03:18 PM): no..
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:03:25 PM): only got the "br5b" one
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:03:32 PM): then nothing. then i got booted... then nothing..
preppysux (5:03:48 PM): preppysux (4:57:33 PM): back preppysux (4:57:37 PM): uh i dont kno preppysux (4:57:44 PM): i havent even seen him for forever preppysux (4:59:27 PM): hello? preppysux (4:59:36 PM): i mean its not likely at all preppysux (4:59:53 PM): and i dont see him or talk to him, except yesterday. i feel pity for him preppysux (5:00:07 PM): but as far as anything else goes i have no clu as to who he is now
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:04:09 PM): oh
preppysux (5:05:01 PM): i cant exaclty tell you. if he is as he was when school ended no
preppysux (5:05:02 PM): never
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:05:18 PM): ok..
preppysux (5:05:29 PM): if he is as he was in the past it is a slight VERY slight chance
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:05:40 PM): oh
preppysux (5:05:41 PM): but im scared to do anything seriouxs with anyone
preppysux (5:05:49 PM): paul and i have only kist
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:05:54 PM): oh
preppysux (5:06:00 PM): that thing int he booth was the farthest weve gone
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:06:14 PM): oh
preppysux (5:07:00 PM): maybe i have some kind of problem
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:07:07 PM): doubtful
preppysux (5:07:20 PM): but like... anything besides me dreams of gerard seems too far
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:07:29 PM): oh
preppysux (5:07:33 PM): its like an after-effect of having everything fucked up
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:07:44 PM): i can understand that
preppysux (5:08:13 PM): and having someone say theyd love me no matter whof ound out just up and out
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:08:23 PM): mm
preppysux (5:09:08 PM): of course we did fight that afternoon
preppysux (5:09:20 PM): but we made up before i went home
preppysux (5:09:27 PM): i dont know
preppysux (5:09:33 PM): everything got fucked up thats all
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:09:38 PM): oh
preppysux (5:09:46 PM): and now its like im trying to play it safe in my head
preppysux (5:09:52 PM): and im paranoid
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:09:55 PM): oh
preppysux (5:10:11 PM): i dont think i would enjoy anything with jordan
preppysux (5:10:17 PM): more than friendship
preppysux (5:10:31 PM): becoz he didnt act accordingly to his words
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:10:45 PM): yeah. i know....
preppysux (5:10:58 PM): eh
preppysux (5:11:02 PM): not a huge deal to me
preppysux (5:11:04 PM): 9
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:11:14 PM): just wondered sry
preppysux (5:11:24 PM): sok
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:11:46 PM): see how I am?
preppysux (5:11:57 PM): its not a big deal
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:12:08 PM): i know
preppysux (5:12:41 PM): if it was do u think id still b around? lol we are both nosy
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:13:07 PM): yeah
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:13:46 PM): i just... i mean it drives me insane to not have an answer to a question i have, but when its a question like that, i feel weird asking, and paranoid for somereason
preppysux (5:14:01 PM): oh
preppysux (5:14:05 PM): if u ask i will answer
preppysux (5:14:17 PM): and like int eh past if i dont want to answer i'll just say i dont want to
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:14:29 PM): yeah i know
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:14:54 PM): i just hate asking is another part of it.
preppysux (5:15:33 PM): o
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:16:01 PM): i knowi'm weird
preppysux (5:17:36 PM): wat were u typing
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:17:51 PM): lyrics
preppysux (5:17:54 PM): o
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:17:58 PM): then i deleted them
preppysux (5:18:21 PM): ok
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:18:48 PM): i g2g they want food.
preppysux (5:18:52 PM): bye
chat_bac_gurl_16 (5:18:58 PM): ttyl maybe
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