there are the eyes. thanks
the tear on the cheek makes me want to cry. it is really sweet but yet it makes me feel like a moron for it at the same time.... oh well... eveyrone already knows i'm a fucking moron.
i'm sunburned. it feels like my body is onfire. it sort of hurts, but at the same time i like it. well yesterday was eventful and exhausting. woke up, made mom watch the episode of the twilight zone where she still screams, 42 years after seeing it hte first time. got bored and tony woke up. went into my room and ate the icecream like a dairy glutton. (oh wait! i am a dairy glutton!)went swimming at centennial with the cousins. my brother thinks he knows how to dive. lmao... liz and i taught tim, but tony is just hopeless. better off to let him think he IS doing it right. i got to beat up tony. it pissed him off and he came swinging fists at me. oh, it hurt. so bad. sat out in the sun. baby oiled myself (yeah i know, smart huh?) i bought churros for everyone and they were still frozen cold in the middle. it was gross. went home and aloed myself a little because i could tell i'd be miserable if i didnt. not to say that i wasnt miserable anyway. grabbed our big box of stupid little fireworks and went to ahmas house. liz and tony cooked burgers and crap for us. liz and i sat in her room talking and being all teenagery and looking at yearbooks and giving stories of how ppl asked us out... ugh. we tried to put cherries blueberrries and powdered sugar stars on the cheesecake but it didnt work. so we jsut took the tin in her room and finished what the old ppl left. there was this stupid special on... and the beachboys were singing and so my mom and ahma started singing (ages ahma:54, mom:47) the beachboy songs and dancing... and n/o but they are not the skinnniest people. then they sang aruba and liz even came out and sang. i think we scared the crap out of aimee(fam friend)but it was fun. showed them our arsenal of gun powder then went on the great poprocks hunt. which reminds me i left mine in dads car. then we decided to forgoe the big fireworks at like everywhere (There were enough illegal ones for a good show anyway)
ended up at dads house sitting in his driveway watching our fireworks. a few were REALLY good. mom liked how the puncs smell. we all had a jolly good time with our watermelon poprocks. showed mom the shed and everything then we came home. my arms were the same color red as my shirt. oh my god it hurts. i have only been sunburned on my legs like twice in my entire life. then i stayed up for another three hours using up all of my pepsi energy to clean/rearrange my room. i am sore but im enjoying it. i shoudl take a hot shower. one thing for sure im not leaving this house today. id rather die.