"all I wanna kill is Jordan Gale"

it's like OMFG dude my diary is so "whore"iffying. it really is. i need to change it. maybe i'll go back to inscene and get that fucking awesome layout. i dunno.. greenday is in 6 days. woot! almost exactly. holy fuck. it is 7:32. concert starts at 7:30. today was okay. asl was... meh. too many words in my head. in the bathroom on the way to second, bray was talking to me and setar remembered me. odd. i lost my starry bracelet. people liked m breast cancer shirt. talisha thinks its funny that i eat. i get more things now. lunch was fun. i was a lacky minorly. steven is angry at me for getting to go to greenday. i am angry at him for getting to go to big ass show and possibly nin. art was... eh. i doodled alot mostly so haha. astronomy was cool. the seniors are nice. i dont even know if htey know i'm only a sophomore. sharice and katie are the nicest. yawn. we get to take our test on monday hooray. after schoolness was prety good. arjay started shit with some girl we dont know. jordan was all pissy when we all got off. me and arjay and jess and sara came to my house. watched only about an hour of Rudy haha and then we all got bored and jsut did... pretty much nothing. jess and sara hunted down little furry things andlvoed them. arjay got on AIM and talked to jordan. got in one huge motehfucing fight. sara went home. mom took jess and arjay home. on the way back to drop off arjay, we stopped at jordans house so she could just shake her head at him. so mom pulled up. the gate was open. so we went. she knocked and kelly came out so totally shitfaced... dude, and then he pushes arjay a couple times (like bitch pushes fingers to the chest)and goes "what do you want" and she goes "is jordna here?" and he goes what do you want again.she said "i need to tell jordan that i hate him and i never want to talk to him again and that i hate him." and then he goes, "come on in" and arjay points to me and goes "friend, ride, escape route" and he points into the house and i he looks at me and goes "in?" so i follow arjay and she goes in for like 5 seconds. we got these "holy fucking shit" looks from both paul and jordan. we all sit there quiet for like 10 or something... paul looked like a fuckin queer(sry daddy) and jordans hair was all fluffed out. mitch sat in his chair and looked at us. jordans fists were clenched i noticed. then she said something... and turned around and ran out past kelly. i turned around and followed her out and jordan goes "I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT WAS A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME!" and arjay yells back at him "YOU'RE A WASTE OF TIME!!!" and we ran out and back into the van. so yeah... so we took her home and she laughed about what an asshole he is and all this shit. dropped her off. mom made dinner and we watched some weird show. and now.... well... as of like 2 minutes agao (last message sent) ArJay: hi chat_bac_gurl_16: hello chat_bac_gurl_16: whats up ArJay: jordans dad is going to tell my parents chat_bac_gurl_16: about the fight?? ArJay: and other things chat_bac_gurl_16: oh... thats mean ArJay: i will get sent to california ArJay: i have been crying and talking to paul chat_bac_gurl_16: i am sorry... why will you get sent to california/???? ArJay: "if u ever associate yourself with him, we'll send you to live with your grandparents in california" chat_bac_gurl_16: holy crap chat_bac_gurl_16: is it just the fight he's telling about or other things ArJay: other things chat_bac_gurl_16: oh... like...? chat_bac_gurl_16: sry i closedmy window ArJay: from the past chat_bac_gurl_16: oh chat_bac_gurl_16: i cant believe they said they'd send you to friggin california ArJay: yea ArJay: but its ,my fault ArJay: if his dad does tell my parents tomorrow will prolly b my last day ArJay: if not i want to transfer schools chat_bac_gurl_16: do you seriously think they will???? ArJay: yes chat_bac_gurl_16: im sorry. that is beyond sucking ArJay: so yea i just wanted to say bye chat_bac_gurl_16: i cant even think of a word for it... chat_bac_gurl_16: that makes me sad... why the fuck would kelly want to tell them NOW? what about all the other things ArJay: like the making out and stuff chat_bac_gurl_16: what makes this so different? besides the fact that you showed up at his house...? chat_bac_gurl_16: yeah.. ArJay: i dont ArJay: kno chat_bac_gurl_16: god... i hope you dont have to leave. ArJay: hes just drunk chat_bac_gurl_16: he is alot. when did he tell you he was going to tell tehm?? ArJay: tonight or tomorrow morning chat_bac_gurl_16: no i mean when did he say it to YOU ArJay: after i got home chat_bac_gurl_16: did he call ArJay: yes several times ArJay: hed ask a question and when i went to answer he yelled shut the fuck up chat_bac_gurl_16: fucker ArJay: yea chat_bac_gurl_16: i bet jordan exxagerated it all again ArJay: yea chat_bac_gurl_16: lets hope he passes out and forgets or something ArJay: he wont chat_bac_gurl_16: shit. that sucks the foulest thing that can be sucked ArJay: yea chat_bac_gurl_16: im sorry... man.. ArJay: i g2g ArJay has signed out. (9/15/2005 7:47 PM)
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