drastic improvement

I actually feel like dancing today. I had 2 tests. they were okay. i did the shit on one. mehehe. LUnch was fun. As was walking with the crazzy people. Drama was psycho. i got to be someone with no memory. jess drank my pepsi. i made friends with the computer tech teacher. she liked it that i could type as fast as i could. and i am pretty good with the computer anyway so hahahha. why do technology teachers like me? I don't get it either. I was going to go to the beauty supply store with arjay to get her lime green eyeliner.. but her mummaw said no so we didn't get to. when i got off the bus Trevor walked with me again. We skipped through the park like two little kids. it was fun. I listen to the loudest screamiest music I can find and keep focusing on today. Too keep my mind off the shit. because there is a lot of shit to keep my mind off of. and screaming and skipping seems to help it alot. it's a nice day.
Read 4 comments
o that sounds really nice
hey im glad your havin a nice day:) i missed talkin to you yesterday sorry bout that. im on this hookup website called espinthebottle.com i was talking to some of my potential maches.
fast typing must be why you can type so damn much LMAO takes forever to read but worth it
LoL i don't exactly like screamy music :D i love metal and stuff..but just not too much screaming...some is ok :D

well if screaming and skipping works for you then hell go for it!

anyhow l8ers