Feeling: enraged
WHY THE FUCK IS THIS SO MUCH OF A BIGGER DEAL??????????????? I DIDNT GET HOSPITALIZED THIS TIME DID I? OH NO. I BECOME A PRISONER. HELD AGAINST MY FUCKING WILL BY MY OWN FAMILY. AND NOW THEY'RE TELLING ME WHO I CAN AND CAN'T BE FIRENDS WITH? WHAT THE HELL RIGHT DO THEY HAVE? i want to go upstairs and read. I think i might. BUT THIS IS PISSING ME OFF SO BAD. DOING BETTER? I'M ONLY PRETENDING SO I CAN GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. I FEEL LIKE A FUCKING BUTTERFLY IN A JAR. no not a butterfly. they are too pretty. I am a moth. And... right now, I really and truly detest him right now. I just dont get where he comes off with it. Yes, he's my father, but he doesnt know me as well as he thinks he does. he doesnt know her. he doesnt know the hell we've been through together. He doesnt know that we are undetachable in a way. That this is a mutual effort, and dramatic changes have already been made. But no. He is dad. EVERYTHING MUST BE HIS FUCKING WAY I wonder if you can really see red, because the white on my screen has suddenly turned pinkish orange.
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