
Listening to: Cut up Angels
Feeling: amused
I played with my camera last nigth and figured out how to make it work. its great and makes me go muahahaha. Actually some of those pictures of me were decent. ahaha. I wrote some of my psycho poems... typed them out.. and hten i wrote a..rhyming quadrouplet? I don't fucking know what the genres of poems are. Mine are almost all freestyle. Not that it really matters anymore. oh well. YEsterday was interesting. my closet looks really nice right now. i have like 5 empty Ikon boxes for putting in storage or w/e and my room is clean w/ the exception of dusting and vacuuming. I got neat saucer chair. I have alot of new clothes and some things that I need to find out if they fit (colorful fuckin nasssssssssty)I feel like being lame and playing dress up now.... ta.
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yeah i get what you mean.i wanna tell royalxtragedy but i dont know how, or even just blow me off but what i dont get is yeah im depressed but i dont really have a GOOD reason to be doing what i do... and that thing about waiting till after christmas WAY BAD IDEA yesterday i totally went to town on my arm sure its kindof in the same area but its thicker and i went way to deep and got alote of blood on the floor thank god for bathroom tiles:(
whats asaucer chair????
you sound like you dress poser