
Listening to: That 70\'s show.
Feeling: miffed
Image hosting by Photobucket So lets see.... the rest of my week was okay. I feel all weird but oh well. My hair doesn't seem as black. They say I'm getting used to it. I say it's fading Still can't fucking write. But then what else is new? I want to use Eric's acquistion but I don't know if he will let me after his "concernedness" about hte last stuff id ownloaded. sob sob sob i want them very bad. VEEEEEERRRRRRRY bad I got alot of icons... i like them random icon comments are always fabulous! i am at my dads house i want food and stuff.... liz talks to me about fucked up boring shit. oh well what can you do?
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sorry about your hair:( MSTWEEK
ha, fun stuff.

i finished CRANK omg i loved it!