Well Melissa & Ashley Came over to chill with me and Erika. We had some good times n then I got a call from broadway Diner saying I got the job. All I needed were some black work pants and a couple white tee shirts. I was wicked happy when I found out and my mom was making some huge deal. "OMG CONGRADULATIONS!!!!" haha
Me, Erika, Tony & Dustin went to the mall around 7:30 and I bought 2 pairs of black pants and 5 tees. Tony got some chinese and thats pretty much all anyone bought. Tony was annoying the crap outta me for awhile by saying "godd damnn" i was like stoppp and he kept saying it. whatever..doesnt matter. We took the bus home. Hung outt at my house for alittle while and then they went home. I'm alittle nervous about tomarrow. I work from 9-2. Basically there ganna show me around and then I'm on my own. I told them I had a vacation planned from August 7th-11th and they said it was fine so I was happy:-)
Well..I better be going to bed soon. Gotta get up early for my first day on the job. haha I'll write about it tommarrow. Jessica..feel better cutie:-* muahh
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