next half the year

Well we started new classes today. Instead of psychology and sociology, I have Photography and Participation in Goverenment(PIG). I think Im ganna do ok in it, and plus..I actually know some people in both of them. Ashley, Mike Cobb and Jeni T are in PIG with me and Ginny, Britt and Ashley are in Photo with me. Hopefully I can keep up with everything and Continue to do well. Things lately have been a big bummer. I'm not feeling like myself and am not sure how to talk to people about it. I feel as if they wont understand or wont give a shit. I have to learn more about the people I associate with, so I can decide if they are trustworthy or not. It just feels like so many people in my life are drifting & changing, but at the same time Im getting so many new friends(whom I am becoming increadibly close with) and want to continue being close with. idk..sweet 16 isnt turning out to be so sweet.
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Britt, you can always talk to me about anything, im here for ya. Ttyl, have a great night. ly Bye.

hey... i know things aren't looking to good for you, and i can't really say anything because idk whats going on. Idk if i'm one of the people you feel like your drifting away from, but i really would like to talk to you, and i know the valentines dance will be alot of fun.. love ya britt

♥ Stephanie