Home Sickkk:(

I was at my dads house the whole weekend and sherry had namonia or however you spell it and it just so happens that i was sick right along with her. Then like I couldnt breathe at all and I was taking my inhaler AT LEAST 4 times a day and thats just bad. So I thought maybe I had caught the namonia from Sherry because shes had it for the 2 weekends in a row that I have been at my dads. hmm..so I was kinda scared. So today I went to school until 2ond period so I could turn in my essay that was due n then went to the docters. She basically told me that I didnt have namonia..it was a severe cold and it was making my asthma act up badly. She said that basically I have been having multiple asthma attacks without even knowing and its building up scar tissue in my lungs and I will be on oxygen if I dont start taking my meds right. So hm...i need to get better. She told me not to go to school until I can breathe right again because right now, I can't walk across the hall from my bedroom to go to the bathroom without losing my breath. I'm wicked weezy all the time and it feels like my lungs are tightning up everytime I try to get air. she said that theres a limited amount of air going into my body which um apparently is not a good thing. Tonys coming right after he gets out of school to visit me before he goes to work. He should be here within a half hour or so, so I can't wait to see him. ::EDiT:: Welll Tony ended up coming over but I got a call from him after he left when he was on his way to work and he was BALLing. The chain fell off his bike when he was pedling up the hill and he fell off and smashed his kneww. He told me to get gary and go get him. So we brought him home and he called in for work and didnt go. He spent the day just laying on my couch watching tv. He's using my moms crutches because he just cannot walk on it. My mom by the way has crutches because of her ankle and told tony he could have 1 for his knee. haha i have a broken house hold! My brother has an ear infection, my moms ankle, garys broken ribs and maybe cancer, both my dogs have ceasers and one of them has torn tissue in their leg, my dad has high blood pressure, sherry has namonia, I have asthma with a cold which doesnt mix and now Tony has a busted knee. Whens the madness going to end?!
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aww feel better brittany :)

♥ Stephanie