
Listening to: none
Feeling: wonderful
I dont know about life anymore. Its just one things more to do, one more thing to fail at. There is no point to living. You just live. Waste your miserable life away on accidents and impulses. Dieing would be so much easier. I am fooling myself when I wake up. "You will have a good day today hollie." Guess not. Void of the infinite span of of the net... thats all I have to say today. I would say more... but there is so much to say. Words can be the cause of profound truths, but they are also the founder of lies. I dont fucking care anymore. sprawled in the middle of a room bright blood trickling down my neck knife happily in hand, dark eyes staring darkness closing in on my vulnerable body sad, slow heartbeats in my chest last drops of not so innocent blood one breath more... slipping easily into the dream of happiness whatever... In the name of all the mistakes
Read 8 comments
oh honey, it hurts to cut your own throat, more so if you dont die.
Yeah, no cutting at all. Everyone gets all mad at you and threatens to kill you and stuff (even though that's what you want). So what you do is you replace the cutting w/ new destructive habits (if you need suggestions, let me know)
i vote no on that idea.
if only it was as easy as cutting your throat. live on, rock on, sex on.
life is a mistake within itself.

Oh my god! I'm going to be a senior at SVHS next year!
Teresa. I guess yours is Hollie.

What year are you?
yay I have a new sophomore buddy. xD

no more north trash! go you!