
And again, I am confused. The life I was making myself see has once again shattered, and I am left in a foggy reality. I should move on, I should choose a path to take, but each path leads down into something I cant see. Something dark. I want to just sit here, in the fog, and do my best not to decide. I continually lose myself. I am always being someone else, or maybe I am merely being peices of myself, but never truthfully the whole. I dont know who I am, what I am, where I am. It is probobly just some teenage identity crisis, and I will wake up in about five years. Someone solve my problems for me. No, I am the queen. The regal, strong, proud queen who sits upon her crystal throne and makes just and noble decisions with her scepter and her crown. ... And I am NOT fooling myself. Even queens have weaknesses. in the name of teenage identity crisis...
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I hope I am helping.