

I tried to fix the diary, but it still looks dumb. If anyone has any pointers on how to make it normal, please tell me.

Now, It has been two weeks since we got engaged and almost everything is planned. My dress is almost done and we booked our 7-day honeymoon cruise to mexico. Thats the good part about it.
The bad part is that my mother is driving me insane. Still. Always. She has almost no sense of privacy. I love my mother to peices, but it is way to often that I become the mother and she becomes the daughter. This is in fact due to her lack of a non-crazy mother figure when she was growing up. I dont think she realizes that I am also missing a mother figure. Thats not completly true, but it is close enough to the truth to be ok. She has become the feared mom-zilla, and I think that she will continue to be such untill after the honeymoon is over. I am afraid.

Also I have been so god damn emotional it makes me sick. Random things will make me cry at the drop of a hat, and I become worried and frustrated over the smallest inconveniences. I know my baby is doing the best he can to put up with me, and I try my best to not let anything get out of control. BUt it irritates me. One second I will be crying so hard I cant breath and the next I am normal every day hollie.

Thats it on wedding news, now to other business.

I hate school. Yep, I thought college would be better but its not. I have an english class that is driving me CRAZY. I thought college was supposed to be DIFFERENT than highschool? I thought you didnt HAVE to interact with your teacher, that you could just listen to her talk and take notes and then you could leave. This english class is exactly like highschool. And I hate it. So much.
I dont have a printer at my house that works, so whenever she asks me to give her a hard copy I want to slap her.
Also, she smiles too much.
And she makes me work with other people.
And I hate making friends. Especially when I make friends with a REALLY old creepy guy in the class who wears anime t-shirts and puts his white blonde hair up into an academic pony tail.

Thats right, and ACADEMIC pony tail, not a regular one. Academic pony tails differ in the fact that they are worn higher up on the skull, and appear to be properly mussed with all that hard learning stuff.

Besides the dreaded english, school is ok. I guess....

I switched jobs. I no longer work at kohls, but instead am working the night shift at wallies. white trash right? Right. But I get paid more and get regular hours and get to be on the same sleepytime schedule with my honey. So thats good. My mom thinks that it is one of the stupidest things I have ever done, but we will have to see about that.
My first day is on friday, wish me luck.

I have smelled like alcohol all day today and I havent dranken any. And it weirds me out.


... lol...

Read 3 comments
its not, its in november actually
[Anonymous (]
YAY for weddings! Hopefully I'll be able to come, its gotta be after the 3rd o' December.
[Anonymous (]
Yay for getting a better schedule! yay for wedding stuff. Love you! We need to play sometime, okay?
[Anonymous (]