
I have nothing to be sad about. No reason, physical or emotional, to feel remorse or pain. Guilt perhaps, but it is a small guilt. Perhaps all of these lies that I continually tell. These lies that continually drive me to madness. But nothing, not a death, not a trial, not a deep emotional scar or traumatic experience. These are things to be sad about. So I should be happy. I am normal, living an average life in an average body in an average town. Maybe it is this normalacy that makes me sad. Perhaps I wish that I have had a death, or a trial, or a scar or a traumatic experience. This is stupid of me. So... maybe I just want something better, something grand, something large. Not normal. Normal is boring. ... But it is nothing to cry about. I want you to stop worrying Stop pointing out your own faults... Everyone has them It's good that people know their faults But you can keep them to yourself Let other people think whatever they want to. ... have you ever thought that know one but you cares about the faults? Oh yes, we are selfish arent we? But we are human, we say, we have natural instincts. And these instincts should not usually be entirely trusted by themselves. Think. Just use that brain. Or... I guess... Use more of that brain. ... But... What is knowledge? Is knowledge seen in your IQ? or in the ability to control your natural processes? Your "instincts"? How do we know we exist when we are sleeping? "Come, then, Laches, and try to tell me what I have asked: what is courage?" The facts of life consist of ironicies. No pleasure without pain. No happy without sad. No black without white, good without evil. Intelligences without foolishness etc. This is life. It is still so boring. So normal. Maybe the great extremes cancel each other to make the vast gray that I see of life. ... I shouldnt be sad. Or should I? in the name of nothing
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if you need to talk im here, my name is stephanie.