this girl

I wrote my Am Civ paper today. Two down, one to go. It's a good thing that one is due on Friday and not tomorrow. I don't know what happened at mass this morning. I just couldn't get the shivers out of me. Lately, I've not been right as I should be. I know my heart and my mind aren't righted. So, at mass this morning, I asked to be righted. I asked for answers..."ask and you shall receive." And during the whole mass, I got advice. One of the songs--"Lord, increase our faith. With all our hearts, may we always follow you. Teach us to pray always." The homily--"Everyone needs someone to share in your vulnerability, to know of your faults, to talk to when you need it." Once again, the choir--"Alleluia, Christ is risen, alleluia." There were lots more. I had shivers throughout the mass. Thanks, God. You're awesome. I think I'll say a rosary tonight...for my self-improvment, as selfish as it may seem. I've got three weeks of school left. It seems like forever. But, after I do my politics paper I only have my Dante paper and finals, and it can't be any worse than this coming week will be. My freshman year seems to have gone by so quickly. I mean, last semester was probably the worst three months of my life, but it went so fast. And this semester, I don't know what happened to it. I guess it's because I'm always busy. I'm never bored with school, I always have papers or tests or readings to do, there are always things going on during the weekends, I'm always being challenged. It's a good thing. It makes me feel like I'm actually doing something right in my life, one of my choices is truly benefiting me. I love school.
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Yes, swing dancing. I am a swing dancing fiend. Ok.. I am a ballroom dancing fiend, in general. But swing is prolly what I am best at thus far. Just cuz I get lots of practice with some really good guys. And it is all about how good the guy is at leading... it makes all the difference. It's so much fun though!