to make me seem cool

Word of the Day: bemuse But I'm not, really. FIRSTS First best friend: Sandy in kindergarten. First car: Gilgamesh, 1996 Ford Aspire First screen name: storybookheroine First self purchased CD: Wow, I don't even remember. First pets: Sandy [named after my best friend in kindergarten], a Chesapeake Bay retreiver. First piercing/tattoo: Ears when I was five or six. LASTS Last cigarette: I don't smoke. Last car ride: Yesterday coming home from UHV's open house. Last good cry: A few days ago. Last library book checked out: The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis. Last kiss: This morning. Last crush: JD, I suppose. I mean, I crushed before I loved. Last phone call: Last night. To JD. Last time showered: Yesterday morning. It's about time for another one. Last shoes worn: Black ballet flats. Last song played: 'Bodyrock' by Moby. Last item bought: Water and pretzels yesterday afternoon. Last annoyance: JD having to work on his day off. Last shirt worn: UD Rome 04 shirt. Last website visited: VC. Last word/s you said: 'Baby, Baby, Baby' Last song you sang: I haven't sang anything today. But I sang 'Big Pimpin' by Jay-Z last night. What color of underwear are you wearing? White. What's under your bed?: Nothing. It's not on a frame, it's just the boxsprings and mattress. What time did you wake up today?: 7 am with JD's alarm. FUTURE Where do you want to go? All over Europe, somewhere in Africa. What is your career going to be? I want to write books, but that will come second to being a mommy. Where are you going to live? Austin or Dallas. How many kids do you want? At least one of each. What kind of car(s): Ones that are more better than what we have now. CURRENT Current mood: All right. Current music: Some new Los Lonely Boys song. I'm watching VH1. Current taste: OJ Current hair: In a ponytail, needing to be washed. Current clothes: Sleepy clothes. Current annoyance(s): I have a headache. Current book: What to Expect When You're Expecting. Current hate: That JD and I can't spend as much time together as we want. (x) - you've done (_) - you haven't done (_) been drunk (_) been high (x) kissed a member of the opposite sex (_) kissed a member of the same sex (_) crashed a friend's car (_) been to Japan (x) ridden in a taxi (x) been dumped (_) been in a fist fight (_) snuck out of my parent's house (x) ever dated someone of the opposite sex (_) ever dated someone of the same sex (x) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back (_) been arrested (_) made out with a stranger (x) stole something from my job (_) celebrated new years in time square (_) gone on a blind date (x) had a crush on a teacher (_) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans (xxx) been to Europe (_) skipped school (_) cut myself on purpose (x) been married (_) gotten divorced (_) had children (_) seen someone die (_) been to Africa (x) Punched a friend when playing around (x) Been to Canada (x) Been to Mexico (x) Been on a plane (x) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show (_) Thrown up in a bar (_) Purposely set a part of myself on fire (_) Eaten Sushi (_) Been Snowboarding (_) Met someone in person from the internet (_) Been moshing at a concert (_) had real feelings for someone you knew only online (_) been in an abusive relationship. (x) been pregnant or got someone pregnant (_) lost a child (x) gone to college (x) taken painkillers (x) love someone or miss someone right now UNIQUE 1. Nervous Habits? I know I have some, I just don't know what they are. I know I look really really serious when I'm nervous. 2. Are you double jointed? I don't think so. 3. Can you roll your tongue? Yes. 4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? Yes. 5. Can you blow spit bubble? I don't think so. 6. Can you cross your eyes? Yep. 7. Tattoos? No. 8. Piercings and where? Ears. 9. Do you make your bed daily? I used to, and I would but our bed takes up the majority of the room and there's always something on it. CLOTHES 10. Which shoe goes on first? Usually the left. 11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? Yeah. 12. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? On the average? Uhm...maybe about five dollars. Usually nothing. 13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? My wedding ring. 14. Favorite piece of clothing? My Old Navy jeans, all of them. FOOD 15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl. 16. Have you ever eaten Spam? Yeah. 17. Favorite ice cream flavor? Strawberry and chocolate together. 18. Favorite candy treat? Sweet-Tarts. 19. Ideal bagel? Onion with a whooooole lot of cream cheese. 20. How many cereals in your cabinet? Right now, there's just Honey Nut Cherios
Read 6 comments
you really are a dork!
tell me I'm right. you had to look down your pants to remember the color.

miss you
im DYING to know if you got what we sent you. hm? didja?

i hope youre well.

NO! not baby clothes! we will send you something for the baby. this is for your wedding!!!!


i was going to send you something for the baby, too, but i thought it might be too early.

you do realize that kate reads my blog too...
I know, I know. I was going to post my NaNoWriMo. Problem: my sister uses this blogging site and is aware of the location of my blog. We have an agreement not to look at each other's, but I can't be sure. The novel is a lil' risque so far and very obviously biographical. Not sure if I want my sister to maybe read it. Scary, scary. We'll see. Maybe I'll post it when it's more complete. Much love. Found DLR's address while surfing the net
austins a great place to live