you know it's time

Word of the Day: piebald I'm going to straighten my hair later this afternoon so I'll look sexay at the office tomorrow. Actually, I just want to see how long my hair is. Sadly, we're still not done unpacking, after two weeks. Patrick has been driving me crazy in the past couple of days. He's crawling for real all over the place and running into things and almost always crying. I hope he's growing or teething and not suddenly becoming some hellbaby. Also, it's cleaning out the camera day.
Patrick loves JD's guitar. He's always trying to eat it. I told him that one day it'll be his [JD says when he gets his Les Paul, pft], and he'll have a little babeh to watch him play.
This is right before we moved. JD was bringing Patrick to bed. Awwwwww.
Kim, this was the only picture I could find with Patrick and his feet. And if you don't want this one, you have my permission to use any other pictures of Patrick I've posted on my sitD.
Little Patrick in our big room when we were moving. Yesterday--
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, yeah, and I started doing Pilates yesterday. I don't know if I did it correctly because I didn't feel that I worked as hard as I should have, but I'm a little bit sore today so I might have. Whatever. I think it's something I can start doing and not be miserable. Also, I'm not going to eat as much. But...we'll see about that.
Read 12 comments
you can do it ash!
although I luv the pic, I need on with his feet IN his mouth.
does he crawl fast, or just everywhere?
I come here periodically to check back for more baby pictures.. its always cuter than I could anticipate each time. It makes my day THAT much better!!

thanks for sharing the little adorable blessing you have!!
jd looks like one of them beatles.
I'll admit it too. I often check back for cute baby pictures. Patrick = too cute for words.
patrick is so cute. i love the pictures of him with his daddy, but where are the ones with you????

also, i still have boxes of clothes i never unpacked. its okay. youll get to it all...
mmm pilates! I have quite the love/hate relationship with pilates.

also, this sounds kind of weird, but for a baby, Patrick has a very old face. That's not to say he isn't cute - he's ADORABLE! - there's just something about it that's very mature, wise.
I think that first picture with JD, Patrick and the guitar is my favorite.

Patrick rocks......

man ash, I just can't get over how much he looks like you!
I love baaaabies!
...well, actually just yours.
he's too cute.
that's the thing with pilates. you don't feel it when you do them. but they're working. one time, i did the work out three times, because i didn't feel it, and the next day i couldn't get out of bed. for real.