
Stephan Jenkins of Third Eye Blind, rocking out loud like he does best. All of Third Eye Blind...a bandful of hotties. Arion and Tony on the bottom, Stephan in the middle, and Brad at the top. More hotness courtsey of Stephan Jenkins Diarmuid Gavin, host of the BBC's 'Homefront in the Garden'. He's Irish and MASSIVLY hot. And Irish, did I mention? And the goofy endearing hotness of Billy Boyd, better known to the masses as Pippin. This...this is what I did with my Sunday. Revolting, isn't it? Absolutely.
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good question.
haha... the first stephen jenkins doesn't look like the other two. i was on the internet all of today as well. it's not so revolting.
that was me before
the internet... sweet, sweet madness. all the things that distract me in one nice, unassuming little box on my desk. i never get any work done with you around... but i can't bear to be apart from you. oh internet, i love you... don't ever leave.
ahhh.......I love third eye blind soooo much.
we're surrounded by hotties.
