back and forth

Word of the Day: gormandize Hey, Kim--quit asking me questions about Patrick and come see for yourself. I've barely worked this week. I had Monday off for Labor Day, Yadida came back on Tuesday, so Cyndi gave me the choice to work the desk or go home and I went home, yesterday Patrick had an appointment and I didn't get to work till about eleven and left at three because I was at the desk, and today I left at nine because I feel like crap. Both Cyndi and Yadida told me I looked really pale. I don't know what's wrong with me, I can't tell if I have a fever or not. All I know is that I hardly slept last night and my legs and neck ache. I should be sleeping, but I'm not. Obviously. So Patrick went to the doctor yesterday, as previously stated. Dr. Dentler said all is well, he should be sitting up by himself in a few weeks and crawling maybe a little sooner or later than that. He has a developmental appointment next week. I wasn't sure if he needed to be checked on advancement or not. I signed up for the very first one because they convinced me to. This one, I guess, is to check if he's sitting up, crawling, talking, seeing, hearing, everything correctly. I don't know, they just kept sending me postcards reminding me I needed to make an appointment with them. I think that's a dumb system. Any road, Patrick weighs 16.5 pounds, is 26.25 inches tall, and his head is 17 inches around. He's almost got four teeth, and is so so cute. Pictures next week. Now I'm all sweaty. I was freezing cold twenty minutes ago. I'm going to sleep.
Read 6 comments
i'm sorry you're feeling yucky. i've been sick lately too, but just with a cold and sore throat. i'm finally getting over it though.

hope ya feel better babe.
That dream would have frightened any mother.
something is definitely going around. all the way from connecticut (me), to texas (you), to nebraska (beth).

feel better.
you have the flu!!!!

take tylenol and rest. watch tv/a movie and veg out.

be well.
I think I started the illness that Kate wrote about below.

My apologies. :-)

Hope you are feeling better. I am looking forward to the babeh's new pictures next week(?).

Later Ash.
Do get better soon. The sicknesses haven't started at UD yet, but I'm sure they'll be making their way through the dorms in no time. Ugh...
