teach the whole world to sing my song

Word of the Day: malversation I bought the second and third Harry Potter books on the same day. The third one came Thursday, and I've yet to see the second one. I knew that was going to happen, too. If I ever win the lottery, I swear I'm having a wedding. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I'm so jealous of Laurel and Sarah and their weddings. I know I'll cry at Laurel's wedding, but for myself more than for her and Josh, because I'll probably never have that. In my head I try to tell myself that it doesn't really matter about all the pomp and crap because JD and I love each other and that's what's important. But my heart just aches sometimes for the ceremony, the tradition. I guess it comes from being Catholic, but I love traditions and the way things are supposed to be, having something to rely on. But it's hurting me so much right now. I know for sure that Patrick's not sick anymore because he's been in an absolutely marvelous mood this past week. And he has his appetite back, thank goodness. He's obviously lost weight because his little pants started to fall off him at the end. But he's quickly gaining it all back, so I'm sure I'll have a fat little babeh again soon. But I'm so glad he's not grouchy all the time anymore. That was trying. I guess I'm done. I wish I had more interesting things going on in my life, but I'm afraid it's going to be like this from now until forever. *later* 5 YEARS AGO How old were you?: 16 What grade were you in?: A junior in high school Where did you go to school?: Edna High School Where did you work?: I didn't Where did you live?: At home with my folks Who did you hang out with?: Laurel, Crystal, Caren, Lee and the boys, Aaron and the boys. How was your hair style?: Superfabulously long Did you wear braces?: Nope Did you wear glasses?: Nope Who was your best friend?: Laurel Who was your girlfriend/ boyfriend: I had been with Aaron for two days [if it's five years from this exact date] Who was your celebrity crush?: I don't even remember Who was your regular-person crush?: Aaron How many piercings did you have?: One in each earlobe How many tattoos did you have?: None Who was your favorite band?: Third Eye Blind What was your biggest fear?: Being alone and failing Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: Nope Had you gotten drunk or high yet?: Nope Had you driven yet?: Indeed Have you had sex yet?: Nope If so with who?: n/a TODAY How old are you?: 21 What grade are you in?: If I were in school, I'd be a first semester junior in college Where do you go to school?: I don't, but I will be going to either Victoria College or University of Houston-Victoria or both. Where do you work?: Holiday Inn Victoria Where do you live?: With my husband and son in Victoria How is your hair style?: Shoulder length Do you wear braces?: Nope Do you wear glasses?: Indeed, and I love them Who is your best friend?: I don't really have a best friend Who is your girlfriend/boyfriend?: How about husband? JD Who is your celebrity crush?: Once again, I don't really have one Who is your regular-person crush? JD How many piercings do you have?: Still only one in each earlobe How many tattoos do you have?: None What is your favorite band?: Anything involving Bob Schneider What is your biggest fear?: Being alone and failing Have you smoked a cigarette yet?: Nope Have you gotten drunk or high yet?: Nope Have you driven yet?: Indeed Have you had sex yet?: Obviously If so with who?: JD
Read 12 comments
Oh man, I was thinking that Patrick was one of them stork babies. Crazy world!
ok, if HE would have boughten the ring, I would have snatched it! but his DAD bought it!!! I don't want my engagement ring to be from my father-in-law!! but don't worry, we'll be offically engaged soon enough!!;)
miss and love you too!
I journaled!!!
gah! sorry, I keep hitting this stupid anonymous button...

you had sex with JD???????

That sucks about your Harry Potter books....they are so addicting. I tore through them. But it really is better to read in order.

And I agree with Sara. Maybe you can celebrate one of your anniversaries with a wedding type party. That would be cool.

And I am glad babeh is feeling better -feed him lots of good food so he can be nice and chubby like all babies should be.

Take care!!!
Awesome survey. Love it.
I love your answers to the last two.
Ash, your life is VERY interesting. I check your site 3 or 4 times a day. or does that mean I'm boring?...
and ash, if I win the lottery, both you and I will have fantabulous weddings!
(that increases your chances in the lottery, right?)
-Kim again
you have forever to do whatever you want with JD. maybe for an anniversary you can have a wedding. i think that if i get too stressed about the wedding ill just do it quickly and have a huge, real one when scott and i can afford it ourselves.

the cool thing about being with someone you love is that you have so much time. a lot of things aren't stroybook, but its comforting to know that we have so much time to do nice things for each other. :]

also, scott read the HP books out of order.

write more often. even if u think its boring, i still wanna read.
hey I just saw your previous comments- the weekend of the 14th or 21st is looking like when I'll be able to come (and others of course ;))
I absolutely cannot wait to see patrick. he's at my favorite age now. I don't know if my newest entry makes any sense, I just re-read it...hm... I get good hotel deals now too, so it looks like we'll be coming cheap no matter what!
-ciao bella