66000 miles an hour

Word of the Day: brusque It's like walking with the wounded, carrying that weight way too far, concrete pulled you down so hard, out there with the wounded, we're missing you I got all done with my psychology test and sent it in about half an hour ago. Without proofreading it, of course, because that's my new method. The less the effort, the higher the grade. We'll see. I don't know what Dr. Garza's talking about when he goes off on long writing processes. I spent a day on my Freud part of the last test and I got a 95 on it. Maybe he likes me because I'm animated in class. So now that I'm done with my tests, I have all the reading I neglected to do. Ah me, it never ends. But actually, it does, and when it does I'll be complaining about having nothing to do. I have Adam Smith crap, half of The Captive Mind, some stuff for psychology, probably something else I can't remember right now. And that's what I'm doing tonight, both before and after the Madonna/Theresa Hall Mixer at 7. Mmmmmmmmm, spaghetti (even though it's RFoC).
Read 8 comments
and a i would walk 500 miles an i would walk 500 more.

de de de...something something something

i have come to the same conclusion for test taking a essay writing...the less time i've spent on a paper sometimes results in the best grades. odd, but never-the-less very convinient.
(ps the pic. as your header makes me thirsty..mmm...tasty)
hehe yes :o)

hahahaha you made me laugh so hard, that might just be my away message. yeahh, my friend was mad at her boyfriend and she was flipping out and was like WHO WOULD WANT TO DATE ME ANYWAY... and went off... so she made the list and then a few of us did after that... and its like spreading... hehe its just fun :o)

(i DO very much like boys... even though they are so dumb... i swear they work hard at getting dumber) out of room
the less the effort the higher the grade... thats awesome. but yeah, this 450 is still killing me. ok well i am tired i hope you have a beautiful night....

Yum spaghetti! And congratulations on the test. You rock!:)
thanks for the welcome.
good luck on your exams.
i hope you do well.
ru reading the wealth of nations? it can be tedious at times but i think you'll like it.

heya! nice to know somehow enjoys BBC as much as I do! stay cool! & I love your layout!