take me down

Word of the Day: coeval I can't believe people are saying 'See you in Rome.' The next time I'll see some of these people it'll be in Rome. I don't know if I'm making myself excited because I think about it all the time or if I'm really getting excited. Of course, either way I'm excited. And I'm all done with finals for this semester. I know I aced my timeline for Western Civ and only got one wrong on the fill in the blank part. I don't know about the first two essays, though, because those weren't so good. My last essay, though, I wrote almost two pages front and back in the blue book in half an hour, and I worked Eleni into every paragraph of the paper. So not only do I get extra points for being there and watching the movie in the first place, I get extra points on the final because I incorporated it into my essay. I'm so proud of myself just for that. There's just so little time. I don't know how to feel right now. I suppose this must be how all of us feel. We're having to pack up all our things and move out of our rooms just as if we were packing in May for summer. But it's cold outside and windy, it's winter, and we're packing because we're not coming back to school until August. August. Now that I look at it, that's nearly a year away. My God, what am I going to do without my table in Braniff, without the tower bells, without walking up The Hill, without all the comforts and discomforts of UD? I won't know how to act when I return, I don't think. I'll be displaced in time, thinking I've come back to the spring semester when instead I'll be taking Junior Poet and Medieval Lit. But maybe I won't. Maybe I'm underestimating my Rome semester in that capacity. Maybe I'll love Rome so much that the time will fly by as it has this semester. My joys and woes of Dallas will be replaced by my joys and woes of Rome. But will I want to see Dallas while I'm in Rome? Will I be excited to see it again? Maybe not since there's nearly four months between the time I return from Rome and the time school begins again. I'm going to miss it here. No matter how nice Rome is, there are always things here I'll miss, just like when I'm back here I'll be missing things from when I was in Rome. There's just no escaping this, it seems. And then there are my friends. Travis is coming home for Christmas, thank goodness. I'll see all my friends a few times before we all start going our own ways again. I love these people, but I never see them, I never spend time with them. But does presence really make a difference? Could I love someone less if I don't see them often? I'll find out, though I believe I'm quite strong in that area. How I will long for my Aaron on cold Roman winter nights. What will be waiting for me when I get back in May concerning 'us'? What will he feel? My friends, my dearest and closest friends, are drifting away from me, it seems, but that doesn't change my love for them. I want them to know that, though. I want them all to know that no matter how far away I am or how long it's been, I think of them and wish them well and love them so much. There are so many questions that can't possibly be answered in a single final examination. ________________________
The beautiful Trevi Fountain. If you throw a coin over your left shoulder, you'll find the love of your life. If you just throw a coin in, you'll return to Rome.
Read 13 comments
i know plenty of children up at DBU...chris benson and dustin thurmond if you know them...and a bunch of others i dont care to list, and we played with some band from that school...they opened for us, they had bongos and stuff, their bassist was from UNT and AMAZING. Anyway...thats all
But the funny thing is that i realize now that you dont go to DBU, and probably dont know the kids im talking about...but i do know where your school is, i pass it sometimes, its SO pretty
I've never been anywhere like that.
thank you for your help
I have a friend at the University of Dallas. Her name is Alyssa Briggs. But she knows me by Megan Sanders. If you happen to ever meet her, tell her I say hello. Heh, I just realized that. Plus I know a couple other people there (as the entire class of '01 went there).

I think Rome is exciting by itself. You'll have plenty of fun, meet a nice Italian man (oh they're so hot) and come back wishing you were staying there. No worries.
I just want to get my exams over and done with. :oP My english exam is eight essays, in two hours, on the universal concepts of what we've read. ::getting sick:: I've had this teacher for three straight years and she never changes the test. LoL

Pees. ~*Kristina
Wow the picture look so nice!
hehe its over wooohoooo. i am so worn out, but i just dont know how to relax either. hehe. i havent slowed down since AUGUST. haha, oh well my mind stopped working as well, i hope your night is wonderful!!
well i hope that once your gone you'll still have time to log in and visit all us expressive people.

i hope you have the best time this spring.
I threw one in when i was there. But all i heard was a big clinking noise. You see, they were cleaning it up and all the water was drained. Oh well, it was nice anyway. PS. Dont you just LOVE gelatti?
on the roof: mickey told me my friend craig slept over her house, but that "nothing happend." which is a lie, obviously. its ok though, we are better off as friends anyways. we make a shitty couple, haha. jonny boy :).
i hope you're day is as awesome as mine...

(and i really mean HOPE... b/c mine has been SUCH a rollercoaster hehe)
you know what i love about sit? is the fact that its sooo easy to leave comments and theres SO MUCH community... i just think thats way fun, definitely giving SIT the edge :o)

haha okay thats my random thought for the day