
Word of the Day: accoutrement Do I really know any Truths at all? I mean, what do I know? I'm bothered sometimes, because I'm not too sure I know anything at all. I try to find the Truths in everyday life, and it's like I'm not good at it. I see the surface of things, but I can't always see the deeper, inner, truly important meaning of things. What does friendship really mean? What does love really mean? What does hate and pain really mean? I don't even think I know Truths about myself. I wrote my Mansfield Park paper last night and today, but I didn't. There were no ideas that didn't come from Kate. I can't think of things for myself anymore, and I'm not sure I ever really could. Is this something I'm losing or is this something I never even had? I don't have Ideas (capitalized like Truths) on my own, only influenced or stirred up by someone else. I suppose that's how it must be, however, since the world must have leaders and followers. I wanted so much to be a leader. _________________________________________________________________________________________
Truth is natural like a wind that blows
follow the direction no matter where it goes
So it shall be, the earth and the sea
Let the Truth blow like a hurricane through me
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Hey, that's how I feel alot of the time. I feel like anything I write is just bits and pieces of things I've heard. It's all cliche. I wish my heart and soul could go more into my recent writing. Why is it that you must be in pain to write something brilliant? I long for some truth to what I write and to also understand it.
haha! how can i not be happy when i have 18 LUCKY PENNYS!! and her car is looking a lot worse than mine. haha... but yes, i love you too! :). jonny boy.
I hate being superficial. but look at my diary.
I am what I hate!
truths are everywhere and so difficult to comprehend. I had to do a paper last semester on it, it blew my mind. otherwise, i dont have much to say.

take care ash
People have various Truths, and you will discover yours when the timing is right. You are a leader! I'd follow you wherever you wanted to go lol :)
Have a good night...muah

have a great night! :o)
you will get it back... whatver if is you lost... thanks for the commenet... :0)
i think that almost every Idea stems from something or someone else. Either a need for something or because of your background or ideas to improve something that already exists.

maybe that didn't make much sense to you. hahah, sorry.

hey girly... I took a psych class once upon a time, and came out of it realizing that my Truths are mine and only mine. I say that because my perceptions of things are different than everyone else's, therefore, what I percieve as the Truth is only my Truth... kinda hard to explain... I'm gonna have to think about that some more now... :) I'm glad the movie kicked butt... I'll have to go see it :)