get lost

Word of the Day: Argus Inspired by Andre--
So we're doing a superfabulous job in accounting. We're getting a lot of invoices out, lots of money in, and having fun while doing it. Corporate was here yesterday having their monthly meeting, and they didn't ask Cyndi a thing about accounting, what we're doing, where the money is, etc. I love my husband dearly, though I don't see him often lately.
Read 10 comments
I just LOVE that ash!
you are on crack and I LOVE it!

Thanks for the laugh, Ash!
Ahahaha, I will not stop laughing at that.

Fantastic job.

::still laughing::
that's really cute ash.

what's patrick dressing up like for halloween?
I feel like in the fall/winter you always get top_left pictures that make me hungry/thirsty for cozythings.
wheeeeeeeeeeeere oh where has my ash-a-ley gone?

then i showed scott he said, 'it wouldve been better if she put little horrified kids inside the bus...for effect'

that means he liked it. :] be well
that's the cutest ever.

-angela [slide]
lol lol lol!! that is so great ash!
Freakin Hilarious!!!

I hope Andre signs in soon to see it.

Awesome Ash.....Thanks for the smile!