birds around town

Word of the Day: Pandemonium Let's see, what's new? I hate work, but that's not new. JD got a new to him car. It's a 1996 Corsica, it's white, it's really ugly, but it thankfully has air conditioning and runs beautifully [so says he] and will only cost us about $400. So it's grand with me. We can't have nice things till we have more money, and that won't be for a while. We got inspected last week at the hotel. Apart from the building falling apart and leaking, the phone freaking out and missing wake-up calls [one pf which was the inspector's], and the restaurant/kitchen not having any food, I think we did rather well. The inspector said the people were really friendly, so what more could we ask for? Patrick is now getting into the habit of screaming for between five and twenty minutes before he goes to sleep. He doesn't sleep for hours and hours at a time during the day anymore, he takes about two or three thirty minute or hour long naps and then doesn't want to go to bed, I'm thinking because he's not sleeping enough during the day. On the flipside, however, he's starting to laugh, actually laugh, not just those cute little gurgles or giggles that happen spontaneously, but really real laughter when we're playing with him, complete with smiles and snorts. I'm so so sad we don't have a video camera so that we can keep his first laughs always, but alas, JD's camera was demolished when it snowed. I promised myself that if I don't get my annual raise at the beginning of July, I'm looking in earnest for another job. It's nice to know you're the best at your position, but it seems that I can't do anything else at the hotel because there's no one else to do my job or do as well as I can. I know I'll be so good in the back office keeping people and things organized, but I can't get a chance until someone gets trained and is awesome. BAH. Also, I am fat lard.
Read 13 comments
A baby's laughter is one of the most beautiful sounds on this earth. Maybe someone in your family or a friend can lend you a camera for a while?

I'm glad ya'll got wheels dear, transportation is mega-importaint (I assure you, I KNOW!) Enjoy these moments babe, take a few photos, the really importaint images are the ones that are burned into your heart......they will always be there.

i've never had a brand new car, but "new to me" is still pretty awesome.

baby's laughter is adorable. when my little cousins who are 20 months laugh, i can't help but smile. so cute.
what is with that last comment??? no way ash. that pic with you and your haircut and patrick is great. you look "full" but by no means fat!
awe dont say your fat until your rolls r bigger than your boobs
a baby's laugh is wonderful... thats why we have the dog that we have now... well my rents dog i guess, cause my mom couldnt stop herself from buying this dog when she heard how cute my sister laughed when it was around! Its powerful!
I know, thats what i said, I was like "Justin you are going off that cliff with such grace!"
i know the other thing that i was going to ask you... what is minimum wage, and the going wage for a non college degree needing job down there!? Cause damn girl you are NOT getting paid what you are worth! 300 every two weeks... when I was in high school, I worked at a gas station for 9.00 an hour starting, and made it to almost 12.00 just asking "do you have gas out there?" I was making 500-600 at 17... maybe the cost of living is cheaper...
(cont) but still you are worth more then that! I know I dont have to tell you that! Maybe that is why my friend that lives in houston is a stripper, cause you dont get shit for money doing anything else! How much is like a one bedroom apt there? Ours is 700 and that is avrage... maybe its lower there and it all avrages out, but still....
so yeah i will stop leaving comments cause i have left about a gazillion... also you are not a fat lard... I am. I have gained almost 30 pounds since I got injured!! AT LEAST YOU PRODUCED ANOTHER PERSON, I just added one right on to my hips! :P Its from all these damn steroids I have to be on... so yeah no fat talk ok!?
yeah i guess u never kno who u can trust...thanx 4 the comment, i like ur diary n u dont look like a fat lard by the
Thats cute that he is laughing. It was good seeing you and JD at graduation. Hope every thing is going good.
You'll get more money when JD takes over the world with his three-monitor setup.