nothing, nothing at all

Word of the Day: yahoo I did something insane today. I applied at the Best Western that will open soon. I'll be sad if they call me back to work at the desk because I'm not sure I want to go back to that. Though I'll be happy if they call me back at all. I'm scared about it. Patrick has learned to click his tongue while he's eating. And now he does it all the time. It interfered with his dinner tonight. He would take a bite, play with his food in his mouth, click his tongue a little bit, and then laugh and laugh. And then I would laugh and laugh. So dinner took forever. JD's mom got a flu shot yesterday, and now she has the flu. Ha. That's what she gets for being bitchy to JD on our anniversary. I hope it's the worst flu she's ever had. In one half of one hour, a brand spanking new episode of 'Lost' will play. Will Shannon die? Won't she die? We'll find out, kids.
Read 14 comments
she died!
oh, ash, that's so mean of you to say about your mother-in-law. then again, I'm not living with her, so--eh!
I love it when they learn
i'm going to have to find holly brooke rd, although it would be tempting not to want to steal the sign...

thanks for the info. and the tongue clicking thing is awesome. definitely record it :)

and we still don't know! this was a crazy effing episode. i'm hanging on next week.
How long has it been since I was here? When did the new look happen? Cute pics on Oct 31 and congrats on the anniversary. I'm looking forward to
the road trip in Jan, assuming I don't have some extra Student Life meeting interfering. I'll have to tell you about my sweet trip to DC sometime. ~A
Did you apply for an accounting job at the BW or a desk job? Or just any job?
You never know - it could be an excellent opportunity. Keep us posted.

Oh and the Patrick clicking his tongue blurb made me laugh. Thanks.

to click their tongues!!
one of my favorite stages.
ciao bella, see you in january!
I've never seen lost.

I hope your m-i-l is really sick too, but I also hope she doesnt get any of your three sick.

good luck with best western. Maybe they will let you wear a cowgirl hat.
sorry, I meant to sign that -Kim (habbit)
I got sick from my flu shot too... thats insanely stupid!
you should expect to getsick after a flu shot. the vaccine is really just a bacteria.

sorry about his mom...but..what if she wasnt there to help with rent? then itd suck

im trying optimism on for size. im sure ill be back to completely negative in a few days.
i dont watch lost, though scotty does.

getting a new job would be a fresh change in atmosphere and company.

i hope it works out for the best.
Clicking your tongue while eating?

I must try this!
good luck with the interview-sort-of-thing. i hope you get a job you want.

that's adorable about the tongue clicking. aw.