christ the king

Word of the Day: demesne 'Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.' Mass today was amazing. I don't know what was going on, but I couldn't stop myself from crying. It was just so beautiful. There was a baptism, a confirmation, and a renewal of some old people's wedding vows. It was mass-and-a-half, but I didn't mind. I needed to be there because somehow it fit in with what's been going on in my life. It helped heal a part of me. Shivers ran through me, which is normal at mass, but this mass was different. I could feel God there with me, right there next to me. No, closer than next to me, inside of me it had to be. I don't know. 'Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed.' I really cried. I almost cried during the baptism, but I cried during the renewal of the wedding vows. Were they tears of joy, of love, of hate, of nothing? No, I think they were tears of pain. I didn't deserve to be there, to be blessed along with other and better people. I felt like an intruder, but I was there, experiencing things I had before but were somehow much more different and meaningful then. God, I love life. 'Alleluia, the kingdom of this world is become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and of His Christ, alleluia, and He shall reign for ever and ever, King of kings and Lord of lords.'
Read 24 comments
haha aww! i know what you mean tho, i wake up in the middle of the night ALL the time... its really scary. im getting super pathetic.

sometimes i wish i could be a nerd... and WANT to do all my work..
I think I win for biggest comment picture now--it refuses to shrink. But it fits...we have a communist state that works quite well at lunch, plus I'm fat...and everyone likes pie..I just get to demand it because I'm big and cool like that.
cryings good, it helps. .luci. [charmedone132989]
yeah, i miss catholic church.
but then at the same time, I kind of don't. I dunno. It's weird.

Anyway, another thing is I really want to see pictures of you from the dance!!!
like lots of people, I wish I had that kind of faith. I just can't bring myself to. Church feels like a joke to me, so I just don't go. when people start discussing religion I try to avoid the subject. most of the time it's like I'd rather not think about it because to me the obvious truth of the whole thing is that we'll never really know, until we die, so why bother guessing. but I feel so guilty about feeling that way all the time. :-
i agree mass today was really goood!! i loved it! :D
Church is great. But I just can't get into it. For various reasons.. A faithless wretch am I. :-p
I havent been to church in like 6 years. Sometimes I miss it.
hmm.. You know, I don't know where the doughnut rule came from- it's just been kind of a tradition. I could be wrong but I think my teacher might have been the one to come up with it.. but I just don't know. Hehe.. all I know is that it's awesome. :) I suppose I shall have to ask now. :)
I wish i was involved in church again.... after reading your diary thing it makes me think. :-)
talk to ya later
hey babe thanks for the comment in my diary! i look older than 14? well thanks!!! love ya!! ur pretty!!
I'm glad you take such joy in church--I've been force-fed it for 13 years, and honestly despise it. I never get anything out of it, and it's just a gigantic waste of time to me. Too bad I'm still being forced to go--my parents have little respect for my small wants of independence. I envy people who get something out of religion. I still haven't found a place to get "the fuzzy feeling", Oh well.
nervmind it just wasnt loading :o)
did you change your comment pic?
wow my eagles icon is HUGE i didnt realize it was so overwhelming. oh well I LOVE THE EAGLES
oops i forgot the word break :o)
haha school work.. i forget that. i havent done any in awhile. i got a little more than fed up. i have 5 SCHOOL DAYS left. yayyy! one tomorrow, then 4 the following week..then i'm DONE!!!!!! ahhh i can't wait. wait, you're at what school again? i always think its the university of texas, but then i think its a private school. boy am i confused. and where is home for you? anyways yeah. i cant wait. no more schoool! what plans for turkey
i hope everyone knows how AMAZING and funny you are.

hehe, tell me how your weekend was :o)
haha i was totally about to give you the thing too! im glad! i like!
I better knock his sox off i wanna blow him away like a gust of wind on a fresh day lol ;) Well anyways your not lame ....
do ya know how to do the comment picture thing? i thought it was comments.jpg or blah but... i cant get it to work!
True truue you honestly did capture the essence of fall my fave season Lyl Lina *Ps is it ok if i add you to my firends list?
thats great :oD

(who are you in love with?)