i'm the one for you

Word of the Day: dreidel My second day back at work = total disaster Ah, man, it was all going perfectly until I had to leave. Two things that all people should have to pay for with a credit card is an airplane ticket and a hotel room. There’s just too much that goes on behind the front desk in the process of checking a person in to have to worry about money floating around. And day three back at work is going to be me tomorrow afternoon and night working the desk by myself. The one thing I’m most terrified over is being all by myself at work for eight hours and not being sure if I’m doing something right or not. That and being harassed by the scary old men late at night. My only comfort for tomorrow night is that it’s the front desk Christmas party and I know there’s going to be people somewhere to help me if things go terribly wrong. And besides, me working, scary or not, means that I’m away from the house. I think I’m the laziest person I know. I didn’t even read today. All I did was sit around on the couch and watch TV. Looking at it from a different angle, I’m not being lazy but instead I’m resting my mind, preparing myself for next semester. When I talk to my friends it’s laziness, when I talk to my parents it’s preparation. But what is it really? I suppose there’s better ways I could rest my mind, but I choose to do it without any other occupation. Eh, I’m just lazy. What I miss most is being able to wear my ring openly. When I finish reading my Tolkien book I plan on starting one of my Austen books. Probably Pride and Prejudice since that’s what people have been telling me to read. But I have to finish The Silmarillion first. It’s so good and it’s so interesting, but I’m just not motivated to read anything at all. I know that once I start I’ll be fine; it’s just the starting, the making myself read for a few hours at a time. But it’s just like doing anything now with me. I have to make myself start something and once I start I know it’s going to be easy. It’s just that the TV is so very distracting. I went to see Aaron last night after work for about fifteen minutes last night. I feel better knowing that it’s going to be more like the summer than like last Christmas, I feel better knowing more of what he wants it to be like. I can deal with things if I know his expectations. I just wish that things could be right again, how they were before but with what we have now. I wish my parents would let me be with him like they did before I went to school despite how they feel about it now. But if things like this could be wished the final results wouldn’t be half as good as they’re going to be when we live past being dependent on our parents and become dependent upon ourselves and each other. Time and patience is what we need. We both have time and Aaron’s getting better playing the patience game. I’m the one for you cause I know all the dirty things you like to do.
Read 19 comments
aw i'm sad now that i didnt login just b/c my eagles won't be up on all your entries.. hehe i just hung pictures of brian westbrook in my car. :o)
parents. psh.
HEY. where are you? this was written four days ago, dont you think its about time you came back?
happy chrismakuh
turns out I'm more lazy than I thought. I read for about 4 pages.
Oh, God, I LOVE that song "Motorcycle Drive-by"!

Eep, I can totally sympathize with the lack of reading motivation. I have to start reading The Great Gatsby over break, and I know it's good, and I WANT to read it, but I just can't focus. Too many sugarplums dancing in my head.... LoL

Pats Won The AFC East! ~*Kristina
i played with a dreidel once, it was pretty alright.

i'm lazy too :)
am i being nosey when i ask what's the deal with u and aaron?
good luck with work..
merry xmas & happy new year!
AHHHH i just got my housing assignment for italy!!!!!!!

(ok im gonna go look at it now)
haha okay now that its later in the day, i wanted my eagles to show up..
i'm glad you got to see him.

i'm also glad you wrote again.

i hope your break goes well and such.

know? ok maybe i should have logged on, this comment thing is hard.. haha i'll talk to you later, you should IM me sometime[plaidcadillac]
*just arent attracted to me.. hah! anyways, soon you wont be dependent on your parents and thats great motivation actually to becoming independent, ya
mine yet considering im like half traumatized by boys and dont ever want to deal with them again.. i mean i know there are really great guys, they jus
im lazy too, too lazy to sign in! hehe, but i want to hear more about this aaron thing, why don't your parents like him? ahh thats not a worry of
I don't understand the relationship with aaron and its complications... I will need you to explain that to me sometime.

This entry inspired me to go read... even though it was about how you HAVEN'T read any! What a paradox! Not really but uh... yeah...

See you next time you pop up from behind the counter,
I AM doing well, thank you. I do hope you are too. I have MISSED you and your smiling, wide-eyed visage. You are usually a frequent, and always a welcome, visitor. Yes, being with someone special, as I was Friday night, is the best medicine there is for nearly anything that ails me (even if the special person doesn't have a clue I care). Talk to you later, Ash!
I am not sure why parents try to forbid their kids from seeing people like that. They say it only makes the kid want to see that forbidden person even more. I am sorry it's like that for you.

Take care, Ashley.
uber glad to see you writing agein!