achy mind

Word of the Day: shibboleth The plans I make still have you in them... I feel so much better now that I have all my psychology over and done with, although I'm really going to miss that class. Now all I have left is economics and Lit Trad on Monday and western civ on Tuesday and then packing up to go hooooooooome. I can't wait till I get my hair cut. In January. Nor can I wait for Rome. Kate [!] decided she would go out and buy Pirates of the Carribean this afternoon and we all [the quad] watched it this evening as a 'study break.' I'm done for the studying for the day--I'm all studied out. For today, at least. Night night, love. I hope to see you soon.
Kim in her natural habitat. ________________________ A Taste of Roma
Due Santi; Or Campus: Rome
And 52 people on sitD as I type. That's freaking's getting too crowded.
Read 8 comments
I heart Johnny Depp. I just finished watching Pirates for the 12th time. I saw it 7 times in the theatre, and I've watched it once a day since it came out. It's such a good movie. Anyway, good luck to you with all your finals and such. I still have two weeks or so left for most of mine (thank god). I could use all the time I can get!
Your going to ROME!!!I wanna go there!!!!

rome is awsome!
hehe punk...
Wow Rome sounds/looks awesome. And good job on all your psychology work and constant studying!

You know, you've been getting reeeeeally popular around here lately. Like, I see your cute "blahh!!" face on like every single diary I've ever read. It's kind of cool. And I feel special that I was one of your first friends here... #8! ;) haha. Anyway, have a great day!
AHHHH i love the pictures...

hehe sooo i hope you don't mind but i got one too, just in case, purely for pictures.. b/c there's gonna be so many, won't fit on here. altho i only got this diary really for italy. anyways, its voglio a tu (hope that link works)

and i'm glad you're having a great day, accomplished a lot it looks like!! anyways, i really need to study for jazz (dance) ttyl :o)
haha you give me too much credit. im not a hero, i just went on instinct, haha.
Rome is God's greatest gift. I'm even Italian and I've never been able to go, though I hope to do a study abroad thing there at some point. I'm quite jealous. Anyway, I hope you have a blast! When are you going?
I'm pleased you like the picture as much as I do. I have a "thing" for Saint Francis. I've been reading biographies of him since I was a kid, and I bawl through each and every one of them. He is SO inspiring to me. I really get a lift from...well...from EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM! Take care til I talk to you again, Ash.