say phenomenological three times fast

Word of the Day: soupçon I think, if I didn't want to be a writer when I grew up, I'd like to be an existential-phenomenological psychologist. Exctept I'd have to go to graduate school, and I'd want to go to Duquesne. You know, because it's the best. And it would be really hard to get in to, and then I'd have to be going to school for another ten years for my doctrate so I could be a fabulous existential-phenomenological psychologist. So I'll just stay an English major. So my paper's coming along well. I'm just procrastinating from it for a little while [more]. After I get done with that I plan on studying a little bit for biology and starting on the final that's due tomorrow night. Yesterday in Trad, Dr. Baldwin was talking and it was just so much like psychology. Everything I've heard or read or seen in the past week or so has reminded me of psychology. I took notes in Trad for my psychology paper. I can't get it out of my head! But I suppose that's a good thing, though. Hopefully it'll stay with me and help me later on.
Read 23 comments
i love psycology, it's an amazing thing. the mind is so fragile sometimes, it's a wonder.

cheers, babe.

and also, you can IM me (my sn is the same as the username)

i'm super creative like that :o)

hehe, hope its working out! talk to you later :o)
and now i'm going to go shower so therefore i feel refreshed to do some work. (hah that is SUCH a laugh)

hope your psych final is coming along, if you need any assistance please ask, i'm sure i can help, i have about 6 psych books .... i've taken quite a few classes. what is the topic for this paper?
and so, i just realized that my name, is no where on my journal.. and therefore you probably do not know it.

it is rachel but some call me jane. (long story)

haha wow, four months i've had this, and i have yet to use my name. i'm amazing.

anyways, i wanted to ask you about your webpage, the one for rome.. is it like a journal too or what? could you tell me more about it? i might need to make one too! i'm gonna have LOTS of pics!
Hey u seem to be real familiar with sIT. My s/n is Feff0906. I have a problem and can't login if you possibly know how to help me, Please IM me. Thank
i wanted to major in english, cos i thought i'd make me closer to stephan HAHA but i realized that being in malaysia would seriously impede my success as a writer, so i'm taking economics instead.
ha ha ha - i agree!!! worst week ever, but then you know its all over... YAY! then ITALY.... ahhhh i can't wait! but yeah i am staring at the massive amounts of work i need to do...

congrats on the long paper, how much is the final to write? blahhnesss to school... i am ready for football!
Your header picture absolutely makes me want to crawl into Santa's lap. coming.
Good morning (?) Ash! Be careful what you wish for.
haha, now that i said that about your comment pic, drew is beating you with his sirens pic :o)

hehe funny funny.. the random things you think about after one mentions them :o)
Yeah, I know. But it doesn't matter since I have people who love me for my inner beauty.

Because there's more to life than good looks.

LoL...i can barely say that regularly let alone 3 times fast!
And I'm trying not to think of you

I'm all confused as I think of the things that I should do

I'm all shook up as I get all nervous inside

My emotions are something that I will always hide"

THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE... (bytheway its blink 182 "21 days") and a boy cannot use it.

blahhhh :o(
boys suck: "My mind wanders as I,m trying not to fall in love with you
'Cause everytime I wake I ponder on my mistakes of what I said, it is always my esteem that I sure lose playing those stupid games as I always end up chasing you. I can't help myself anymore rehearsing my thoughts as I,m to scared to come to your door I pushed it all aside just stand next to you Now you won't talk to me for something I didn't do It's not going to work (more)
I've always wanted to be named Ashley, although, I suppose if I had my way, I'd spell it some weird way - Ashleigh. I like freakishly long names.
hahahhaah! i am looking for a picture of brian westbrook to put there next. ahhhh he's SO good (not as cute but SOOOO good)

i heart the eagles.

(thanks for all that info - how is your work coming along?)
i also love how on my comments i see your pic like 23 times, its so great :o)

how do you donate?
yeah i was reading that - how much is it a month, do you know? i am super impressed with him... he's only 20? tell me more about him..
i drank egg nog that had gone bad this morning. it was one of the most disgusting experience of my life. your header pic reminded me of it. however, if that isnt egg nog, ignore this comment. beep beep beep beep dial toneeee.
haha everything reminds me of my psych classes too.. they are so great and interesting. i am purely a psych major b/c i like the classes.

anyways, scott does? really? do you know him or just thru the site? i had no idea.... tell me more about this! i am very interested. how do we know that too?
Trogdor the Burninator! I get it now. Absolutely brilliant.
lol. you're goofy. :) but why not? I've heard of weirder jobs. :-p Say phemonenological 3 times fast? No problem. haha.. if you think that word is hard, try "integrable". The first time I saw it I really had to think hard just to get it out, and I still got it wrong! :-p