mission--monthly pictures: four

Word of the Day: svelte
Patrick at four months
Pat on the green blanket.
A minute or so later.
I sat him up against our bunched up comforter. He's doing so well and is on his way to getting the concept of balance down.
He's sitting between my legs, but I'm not holding his hands. He likes to feel my pants when I wear jeans.
He's learning to grab things, like his frog. Right after I took this picture, he threw the frog on the bed. He did that at Wal-Mart the other evening, too. I was all like, 'Oh great, he's starting so early.'
I put his burp cloth over his face to see if he'd take it off. Sometimes he does and sometimes he just sits there and makes noises.
But he figured it out, and I gave him a lot of kisses as a reward.
And, lastly, little Patrick in the corner of our huge bed. When he was sitting his his chair, he was talking to me like there was no tomorrow. I clicked my tongue at him, and he just cooed and gurgled and made spit bubbles of delight. Oh God, thank you. So today is JD's twentieth birthday. He got two things for the collective birthday/Father's Day thing. Though he will be getting cards on Father's Day, and lots of love from both son and wife. No complaining about work today. I don't care.
Read 8 comments
I really, really, really NEED one of those!!!
I just want to cuddle him!!!!! So adorable he is. Even the night nurse [I am at work right now] is all goo-goo over Patrick! :-)

Sweet room.

I always found it cool that my mom was born in may and my dad was born in june, so that I could do the combined mothers day/birthday AND combined fathers day/birthday.
hes SOO OSSSSO SOSOSOSOSO cute. seriously.

his facial features are developing and hes a cutie cute. also, i wanna kiss his feet. i love baby feet! awww.

you're obviously doing a great job.

jd's gifts are spanky and neat, too. i hope your family has a great first father's day/birthday.

he's still so cute. he's getting so big, he looks like a baby now, not just an infant. if there's a difference.

i got jeff the season 3 of family guy as part of his anniversary present, it's a good show, we always watch it at his house.
What a cutie!! I was just wondering where you live, cause I have friends and family in Del Rio, Dallas, Houston, Richmond, South Padre... you name it. I dont know where Victoria is.
That is a GIGANTIC bed!
Hugs and kisses for the beautiful babeh and best wishes to JD on his bday; sorry thought it was in Aug for some reason. Luv u guys, Momma H