the addict

Word of the Day: importune When I took the glucose diabetes test thing last week that everyone apparantly has to take, the results were ten points above what's normal so they wanted me to go back to do the longer, just to make sure either way test. That was today. I had to fast from midnight last night, I couldn't take even water, and go in at nine. They took my blood and I drank something that tasted like orange sodey pop that was really really sweet. After an hour, they took my blood again, after another hour, they took my blood again, and after yet another hour, they took my blood for the last time. They had to stick my twice that last time because I don't have that many big veins in my arms, and I almost fainted. I feel like a herion addict, I have so many holes in my arms. I could never do that to myself. I'm such a pansy. Needless to say, I came home, ate, drank, and slept the whole day. JD came home at three for lunch and I was awake for that, and then I went to sleep again when he left. I didn't watch the DVD my friend Jay sent me, I didn't go to the school to turn in my application, I didn't do anything at all. We bought a little bedding set for Baby last night after I got off of work, and I was so excited that I was going to put the bed together myself today, but instead I slept. I'll do that tomorrow. Sometimes I have strong flashes of Rome. It makes me really sad. They left today--I hope Nicole has a fabulous semester.
Read 7 comments
im glad the package got there allright ashley hope you and jd find the dvd helpful and baby likes the present.

that's a really cute set. I am gonna go with Baby Snoopy when I am with child.
I have returned to my blogging paradise.
thank you!!!
I hope those holes are more discreet than noticeable :/
Thanks for the comment. I suppose they've got to come sometime... but the date definately sucks big time!

...sounds like all your testing was a bit of an ordeal! you poor thing!!

Keep Smiling, and Take Care

btw, that bedding set is absolutely adorable! hope you have fun putting it all together.
hehe, I have noticable holes in my arm from the times I've given blood. :p

i know what it is like to have that test done. i hope that everything turns out good for you. let us know how the results come out.