don't say you can't

Word of the Day: rathskeller Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, the Rat. I hate memories. Cyndi had her baby yesterday. I hope they're both doing well. I told JD it was Mardi Gras today, and he said, 'That's every day for you. It's not Fat Tuesday, it's Fat Every Day.' I was all like, 'Thanks, honey.' And then I hit him. And then I gave him a kiss. Because he's actually right. I talked to Kim and Kate last night, and they're definitely coming for the 18th. Hopefully, Emily's twenty-one so that they can stay at the hotel. If not, then we'll see. Any road, I'm excited about seeing these people, really excited. It's going to be awesome. Finally, I'm going to see the obstitritian tomorrow afternoon for the first time. It feels like I haven't gone to the clinic in forever only because in January I went every week. So, we're going tomorrow and meeting Dr. San Miguel and stuff. I actually don't know if this is going to be any different than what they did at the clinic, but I'm making JD come with me so that he won't be meeting my doctor for the first time in the delivery room. Just a few more weeks, Baby, and then we'll meet you.
Read 7 comments
i hope it goes well today. ha
that was mine. but then it just saved sans my approval.

anywayyyyyyyyy, have you thought of any names?

goodluck today.
How excitin Ash! Sounds like JD is goin to stay with you IN the delivery room throughout (if he doesn't faint). Will he be takin a vid of the birth? A friend of mine had a C-section & her husband video-taped the surgery. I saw it. The doctor just reached right down into her cut-open abdomen & lifted out the uterus. Actually, a film of a C-section is somewhat LESS privacy invadin than one of a natural birth. I vote for husband in room YES vid NO!
Unfortunately Emily isn't 21, nor is she definitely coming---though I'm putting pressure to bear. we'll just have to stay somewhere else-Cait
What's with the new picture? This definitely calls for an explanation...

Hey you commented my journal awhile ago, asking what book i was reading. It was called I cant tell you by...i think her name was hilary frank.
Wait? your having a baby?