lazy days

There has been very little going on these past few days. No work. No nothing. Just spending lots and lots of time with my love, listening to lots and lots of Third Eye Blind, and watching lots and lots of BBC America. It’s been very lazy recently. If I had friends who were actually in town and not off gallivanting around the state, I’d probably be spending time with my friends and not just Aaron. But I like spending this much time with him. I don’t think we’ve ever been together this often. We don’t have too much to do, just watch TV or movies or play on his computer, but it’s just being with him that makes me happy. I appreciate every moment of the time I’m with him, especially since I was away at school. I know how it can feel when I’m away from him and so I’m thankful to be able to see him whenever I want now. He can be very annoying and trying sometimes, but I know that none of that matters because he’s annoying and trying right there in front of me. I don’t think I thought like this a year ago today. I didn’t know what it was like to be without him, how it would feel and what would happen. Now I know how I felt and what really happened, and somehow I believe I’ve grown stronger.
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lazy days are ok. they are nice every now and then. thats great you are spending so much time with your love.
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