less the calories

I just got done laughing with my roommates. We were sitting around studying our different things when we started telling funny stories that happened in the past few days. It's so great to laugh with my friends. We make fun of each other's oddities. We make fun of each other's beliefs. Kate and I always gang up on Kim because she, for some reason, always disagrees with Kate on simple, silly things. So they fight for a while and I make fun of Kim, and then we all laugh with each other. Or Kate starts telling a story from her day, and we crack up. Or...we could just be studying and something strange happens and we start laughing. But I can never go a day without laughing at both myself and my roommates. It's healthy, I think, for the body and the soul. ________________________________ *Truth is natural like a wind that blows, follow the direction no matter where it goes So it shall be, the earth and the sea, let the truth blow like a hurricane through me*
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usually im cool with not having any friends but this entry made me sooooooo envious. and even a little bummed out.

laughing is gooooooood for you. yum.

It seems like everyone I know has or did have a roommate named Kate.

Except me. I was that illustrious roommate that everyone had. I guess.
laughing is nice.

pink reminds you of candy? why?


They say laughing adds years to one's life, you know!