a momentous occasion

Word of the Day: quail Patrick's second birthday was Friday. Behold:
Patrick coming home from the hospital, one week old.
Patrick on his tryke, one year old.
Patrick after his bath, two years old.
When he turned one, we got rid of all his bottles. Now that he's two, we changed his crib to a bed that he can get into and out of by himself. Here he is helping his father do just that thing. He can actually be helpful when he feels like it. We'll ask him to put something in the trash, and he does it.
He's not sleeping here, but he was just so happy to be able to get in and out of his bed. The past couple of days, it'll take a few times of him getting out of bed and opening his door before he settles down and actually goes to sleep.
The obligitory picture of the two of us with our tongues sticking out. That's probably a bad habit to be teaching him, but it's so cute. We had a little party at Laura's house on Saturday, but I forgot the camera. We got a little disposable one, so I'll get those back sometime this week. He wasn't so sure about tearing into his cake. He was probably thinking, 'Man, y'all are telling me to get into it when any other time you want me to use lame utensils. Is this a trick or something?' But he gave himself a chocolate goatee in the end. Some other pictures from the past few months:
Opening presents for Christmas. The sweater Patrick's sporting is the one I knitted for him.
He got so many tools for Christmas, it's unbelievable
Me and Patrick.
I was worn out after watching all the kids open their gifts and mediating. I took a nappy nap.
Patrick sleeps just like JD--no regard for his sleeping partner. Look at poor Pooh!
Patrick watching Bob the Builder. I have no idea why he loves it so much, but he is just entranced when Bob's on. We don't let him sit that close to the TV, but I just couldn't help taking a couple of pictures.
Amazingly, he did that all by himself. It reminds me a lot of Obito-san. However, we can't find the goggles anymore, so that's sad. So life doens't seem to be sucking nearly as badly as before. We got JD's car fixed and it was only around 40 bucks. They did find a thing or two wrong with the brakes, but they're not immediate problems. I finally got my raise. It was a .75 raise, so now I'm making $7.50 an hour. I got Patrick's healthcare all sorted out finally. And I feel that if the finances are in order, I'm able to relax about other things. JD and I are doing well and living on our own is working out. Both Lost and Naruto: Shippuuden have started and are awesome. I've started sleeping much better due to the addition of a standing fan on my nightstand to make white noise. All and all, life is fine.
Read 10 comments
Awwwh what a little sweetie pie! Congratulations on the awesome kid.
the sweater is well done. also, new entry time!!!!!!
two years already? unbelievable. as are you. which reminds me. while it’s not my place to say this, i will anyway: i’m damn proud of you. -matt
Patrick looks better and better as he gets older. You are raising a fine young laddie! And it's funny, because when you showed the christmas pic, the first thing I noticed was that awesome sweater, and then you say you MADE IT. I am so impressed. Thanks for the updates, yay!
He is so cute!! I love the pictures, and it's unbelievable that he is 3 already. I like the yellow sweater :)
look at all that HAIR!!! he really is so CUTE ashley. I want one. but we have to wait. :(
You finally sound like you're enjoying yourself! Wow, I can't believe he's two already. TWO!! gawd.
he looks just like you. beautiful!
anywho, missed you at the wedding!
miss you in general!
patrick should do baby modeling....i'm not kidding.
Cute cute cute!!!!!
Thanks for the great photo update. Sorry it took me so long to comment.
Hope all's well with you.
Errrrr I mean 2. Sorry I can't type. How are things?
A. I love the sweater, thats something i could NEVER do.

B. He's adorable :)