wouldn't that be nice

Word of the Day: misanthrope I found out yesterday that Bob Schneider's playing at the Saxon Pub in Austin on my birthday. Oh man, oh man, oh man. That would be so so very awesome to go to. I'm excited even though I know I can't go. That would be the second best birthday ever for me, second only to last birthday in Ireland where that one pub sang me 'Happy Birthday.' JD asked me if I'm going to buy alcohol on my birthday. I said probably. He asked me what. I said I didn't know, probably some wine. I'm an alcohol elitist. I don't drink, and I only drank really in Rome and I didn't drink that much when I did drink. Could I use 'drink' more in one sentence? Probably. So I discovered, while in Rome, that I didn't like beer all that much, that I didn't like rum, I didn't like tequila [or maybe it was just a strange European margarita], I really didn't like Marsala wine, but I liked vodka, I liked Bulmers hard cider and I liked the cheap wine from Le Mark. I don't know either, it's weird. Although, man, if I could find me some Bulmers, not going to see Bob Schneider wouldn't be so bad. I took Patrick to the doctor for a check-up yesterday afternoon. Dr. Dentler looked him over and said there was nothing wrong with him [he didn't even mention the diaper rash Patrick still has] and he sees no need to do any follow-up or developmental studies on him. He weighed in at 5 pounds, 6 ounces, so I must be doing something right. That's slightly reassuring. Le sigh. I've got so much to do, but it's cold and rainy outside and I don't wanna. So there.
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Surely if you can't find Bulmer's you can at least find some Strongbow somewhere. Call around to the liquor stores; someone has to have it.

PS I'm thinking of moving the Republic of Pimeria. Is your region a good one to move to?
i havent read this in a while but congratulations on the baby.

ps. where are the shadowlands and how do i get there?
could I send you Bulmers when I'm in Ireland......probably not, but that would be great -Cait
I wish it was raining here. All we get is snow lately. Yuck.

Glad to hear Patrick is putting on some weight. Yay for healthy Patrick.
OMG u have a gorgeous baby hes so cute all the best!

I know, it's relieving knowing that I won't have to worry about ruining my life OR a child's. :-

you should try long island iced teas. they are my favorite. strawberry daiquiris are really good too, although they have rum in them.

i like kahlua too, in hot chocolate or milk. it's a good drink on a cold night, i'm not sure how many of those you have in texas. :)
congradulations. you have a beautiful baby! lol.. aww babies are so cute
You're thinking an AWFUL lot about alcohol Ash. I don't know if I like the sound of that. Have you reached the point yet where you're hiding bottles of booze at strategic locations in your home (for a secret nip)? Do you have a drink first thing in the morning..as soon as you wake up..with your 1st cigarette of the day? GAAHAAAHAH! Just kidding. Hey, in your enthusiasm to help Patrick catch up with the other kids in weight, don't let him get fat!