it's raining and it's cold

Word of the Day: adamantine Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. That's the title of the seventh book. There's still no release date, just the title. I guess that's good enough for now. I just want to know how it all ends. I'm really glad I didn't get into Harry Potter in the beginning because this waiting for books to be written is laaaaaaaame. I'm so so glad I was able to miraculously get Christmas off. We're shorthanded at the desk again, but thank goodness it's not a busy time for us. However, Beata had better do some hiring quick so that we can have competent people for when we do get busy again. I'm ready for Christmas. I'm so so ready to watch Patrick break open his presents. There will be pictures taken, to be sure, and a few of these will hopefully make it to my Photobucket and, then, to here. Yay, Christmas!!
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can't wait to see the pics.
Yay for the new Harry Potter!!!!
And the fifth movie is coming out soon.
I just re-read The Half Blood Prince in anticipation for the new book.
Merry Christmas!
keeps me busy enough that my insanity is less evident. or at any rate, that is the goal. and a merry christmas to you.-matt