modern languages

I love to sit in the Modern Lauguages Department and study. You sit in there and watch the professors walk by speaking in tongues. They converse in Spanish, in French, in Italian, in German. I was sitting in there this afternoon and I heard an entire five minute conversation between a professor and a student in German. That's so amazing. I mean, I'm in Spanish but I'm not too good at it. I can't carry on a conversation. But I love sitting in there and listening to the musical sounds of languages floating up and down the hallway. It reminds me of when I was in Europe. I don't know; I guess it's a silly thing but I feel so cultured when I sit in there and listen to the languages. I can't understand them nor can I speak them, but they seem to raise my intellectual level just because I'm there listening to them. Languages amaze me and they always have. I wish I had a talent for languages. I mean, I know a girl who is going to be a Spanish major who plans on learning every language UD offers. I wish I had that talent. But, no, instead I use the Spanish language as best I can and play in the English.
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i'd love to learn every language known to man but instead i think i'll just end up knowing english, farsi and a bit of spanish.

my roommate's family is here and they speak waffle-language (belgium-ish?) yeah. it doesn't make me feel more intelligent though.

it makes me want to club them because they're so damn loud in the morning.
No problem. It was very well written, I think. (ah, what do I know?) Languages are incredible. I've got french, at least. Though, perhaps it's not such a good thing?
Thank you, yet again. I'm wondering... would it be easier to AIM? Mine is gondor or bust, and I wouldn't mind chatting. I promise not to be TOO wigged out.
Thank you. Being president is a large thing for me. And that CS Lewis quote is perfect. Mind if I borrow it?
languages are nice...i dated a french chik once, but i'm pretty sure not all of what she was sayin was sweet...i speak mainly italian, spanish, english an pieces of others...i don't feel any smarter tho, jus a lil wiser about what some of the taxi drivers are sayin...
hey i just read your entry about the squirrel..and there's actually a Malay saying (I'm Malaysian) that goes something like, no matter how good squirrels can jump, in the end they'll fall down, too.

take care :)
and hey, i like 3eb, too. i used to want to marry stephan haha