nOw you know how i feel.

Listening to: Piebald - Long Nights
Feeling: abandoned
uhh..whatever. it kinda makes me feel weird now to write about how my day was shitty cause of all the complaints in other peoples journals, but oh yeah i forgot, shove it up your ass if you dont wanna hear about it. or stop reading. (what was that? that you said? you cant think of anything well think harder, oh YEAH.) i felt way shitty all day, headache, stomach ache, my contact was ripped so that hurt, ahhhhh. complaining DOES suck but i seriously cant think of too many good things. there always followed but doubts. (life is what happens while we're making plans. cant write another one, yeaaah. our age of miracles is past.) i spoke my effin mind in bio today. i went off on how unorganized and MENTALLY RETARTED our school is and why our class is doing soo horrible, as a whole. she wanted the truth so i gave it to her in fucking spaids. she was proud of all of us to stand up and say something, unfortunetly she cant do anything about it but it sounded like she wanted us to take it farther. haaaaa like ANY staff member is gonna listen to us. fuck yourself. but i was in a good mood and all and keyboarding was alright. then global comes. seriously, fuck mr cordi with a metal rod up his scrawny little fucking conceited ass. ashley was letting me see her homework that was due today cause i didnt get a chance to do it, and HMM lemmie think, i THINK I WAS ABSENT YESTERDAY SO I FUCKING MISSED OUT ON WHAT YOU SAID. so he came over and was like oh man your cheating AND your cheating IN class. and took both the papers away. first of all, give ashley her paper back. she did nothing but try to help me, something you fucking asswads might want to consider since it is your profession and all. second of all, i have been nothing but respectful and quiet in your class. how many times does mookie, maleica, chris, mike, and doug come in 3 minutes late, talking, and NOT have their homework done. how many times must you yell at them, and how many times do they interupt you?! and i try doing my work just so i can get it done and of course i get in trouble. he stapled the papers together and wrote something on it. i hope he fucking gave it to the office. if your really gonna make a scene about copying someones HOMEWORK, then you can play shovies with that too, you fucking nazi. so here comes lunch. ya know, the one period where i can maybe chill out and just relax. but everyone decides to fucking leave and go to Allimonti's. not that im against leaving school grounds, but i cant because i already did once in the beginning of the year and if i do it again, ill be suspended. im not mad at them for leaving but it just sucked cause i had to sit with the table that i never sit with and i felt bad cause they knew i was only over there cause i had no one else to sit with. Hello, english class. i actually finally got some more of my research paper done, and the part that i did last night, was RIGHT. i was so proud and my writing was fucking outstanding. spanish class was just dragged on because i had to pee horribly and he wont let me go to the bathroom cause i already had a few times this month. excuse me for having a bladder. after school i was going to try to get some bio labs done. turns out i really only owe 3 of them, compared to the 8 i THOUGHT i owed. so me and ivan went up and she didnt help me at all cause she was too busy stuck up some fucking geniuses ass flirting with him when I REALLY NEED HELP WITH BIO CAUSE ITS MY WORST SUBJECT THIS YEAR AND YOUR NEVER HERE. so i fucking just sat there and talked to ivan and brenda. then brenda was gonna ride my bus home with me, but i LOST her. i have no idea what happened but seriously i was like meet me at the office and shes like okay, then she didnt so i missed my bus. im going to kill you. i stayed after with neil and waited for my grama to pick me up. and holy shit Celeste Leonard is way too energetic for me. tone it down just a few FUCKING knotches. wow, im just over it. im fed up with everything and everyone , AGAIN. and on top of it all, the rough draft for the research paper is due friday. i have one fucking section done out of like 7. im gonna be so LESS stressed when its over and done with. fuck the grade i get on it i just want it overwith. i want school over with. id really just like to be 80 years old, retired, and relaxing in an old peoples trailer home with my husband in florida. but i have like, 70 years until then. WOW thats a long time. ******************************************** the million things you had to say sorry just, might have found its way in there somehow, someway. but dont worry sweetie, cause i already know.
Read 4 comments
jen i saw u over there too, i would have left my gay table to come sit with u i like u better then everyone there anyway ;) u stupid next time.-jessie
Youre such a mexican :) i prolly still have all my bio labs from last year or something rolf.

hahaha i seriosuly loove you jen :)
you guys can't leave school grounds for lunch? That's dumb. The policy at our school is you can leave as long as it's within walking distance (i.e., you can't drive). My friend Cailan lives across the street so he goes home for lunch every day. Sorry to hear about your bad day. Take consolation in the fact that everyone has them.