
Feeling: kinky
What is your favorite.. gum: the green package of eclipse restaurant: docccckside in florida drink: water season: summer type of weather: warm & sunny obviously but i love summer nights with the cooool breezes, ahhh :) emotion: being happy and thankful and just content with what's happening at the moment thing to do on a half day: go to brendas and subway and best bagels :) late-night activity: getting ass, driving around, dennys, walmart, being with bean & flo haha sport: surfing & hockey city: flagler & palm coast store: zumiez When was the last time you.. cried: hm.. the friday before last played a sport: uhh.. volleyball in gym like 2 weeks ago laughed: on the phone with my grama hugged someone: earlier today kissed someone: :) felt depressed: friday night felt elated: this morning felt overworked: last week in school faked sick: i dont remember lied: last night to my parents What was the last.. word you said: parents ( because i talk outloud when i type haha) thing you ate: chips song you listened to: thursday - understanding in a car crash thing you drank: dnL place you went to: my gramas last night movie you saw: my girl movie you rented: noooo idea concert you attended: cranberry fest @ BU in december Who was the last person you.. hugged: :) cried over: brenda earlier this week haha kissed: :) danced with: mike tallon at the dance, party boy style shared a secret with: brendie had a sleepover with: ivan haha called: my grama were angry with: my daddd couldn't take your eyes off of: :) obsessed over: matt Have you ever.. danced in the rain: YES, over the summer w/ jimmy :) kissed someone: of course done drugs: yeeea drank alcohol: yeea slept around: nooooo sir partied 'til the sun came up: YES had a movie marathon: yes gone too far on a dare: not that i remember spun until you were immensely dizzy: yes taken a survey quite like this before: there all the same
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