youve got me right where you want me.

Feeling: knackered
tonight was by far, soo rad. i just kinda sat around all day and cleaned and shit, got some wendyyys with the 'rents, and brenda called and was like lisa wants to take us like bowling or something. lisas her cousin from nyc, shes like 35, but she acts just like us. so then i find out ivan and brion are going, and i got soo stoked, we havent had a party bud night in soo long! so she picked our asses up, and we got lost in binghamton for awhile, me and brenda were talkin about all our old memories in that fucking town. it was saaad in a way. so we get to the bowling alley finally and we had such an awesome time. we told the lady we were on the bowling team, and i feel bad for lieing but she was nice :) we just fooled around and danced and shit, and fucking that gay song the cha cha slide song from TOUCH OF TEXAS came on, lmmaaaao..i think you can guess what we did. we defenetely danced in front of the entire bowling alley, and like screeeamed. haaa i LOVE those guys more than life itself ;D we were way tired on the way back but i wanted to go see Ivan's crib so we took him back first and man that fucking stick shift car kept stalling and getting out of gear and stuff, and its waaaay out there in the boondocks were Ru Ru lives and it was scary after we dropped him off cause we were all alone :( but we heard madd old songs on the radio and had a little concert. im so wiped out now. but man this night has been full of suprises. mmmmm... goodnight everyone :) * * **** ** ****** and boy i promise you theres no substitute, its just me. its so necessary
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